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Thread: confused about a guys behaviour and crying

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    confused about a guys behaviour and crying

    There is this guy i met several months ago. He is my adviser. In the beginning all was just normal, the client /adviser thing, nothing special. But in the end of January he asks me if i could help him fix his computer at home as i work in the IT. I was a bit surprised but happy to be of help nonetheless. He asked me this while i was at the office working with him and he asked me this in a very quiet voice so no colleagues coud hear and he was smiling at me.
    We picked a date for me to come over, a day he had off and he would give me a call. And indeed he did give me a call, well several to my mobile. He called with his normal landline number and his private mobile number and even left a text message. So called him back agreed on a time and got directions and went to his place to fix his computer. Took a few good hours to do, but he was so friendly and was talking to me like we knew eachother for years, which we don't and we dont know eachother that well. But he was very sweet and all and really interested in what i do.
    Also he said he would call me for a next appointment in the coming week, but he forgot and i sent a message with just: hiya is the computer still working? to his private number. He replied with yes it is just the sound isnt and maybe we could sort a new day for you to have a look at it and he ended with an X. I was very surprised and flattered. Thought it was really sweet. Then we made a new appointment at the office the following week, but something came up and he was delayed and i didnt see him that day. He was so busy that he couldnt call, but sent a message he will try and call for new appointnent and all soon.

    In the meantime we had some texts going back and forth, usually about work but he always ended it with an X. I started to like him since then quite a bit and was missing him. So eventually he called me to book me back in at the office and kept asking if i was alright and apologised for the missed appointment and all and he sounded lovely on the phone. So i was booked in the following week, but had that morning a call from office that he was off work sick. Later in the day i picked up the phone and called his landline to check if he was alright and all and he was chatting away on phone like we speak eachother each day and were best friends. He was so sweet on the phone. " days later i sent a text with Hiya how are you today? feeling any better and for the first time i ended with xxx. He sent one back saying he was still not very well but he was looking forward to finally seeing me next week and ended again with an x.
    I wondered if he was liking me too in that way?

    So next week i had the appointment and he was absolutely lovely, complimented me on things and noticed my hair changed and he really liked it and all. He pulled up a chair for me to sit really close to him while we were working on computer and i could tell he was a little nervous. At that moment i completely fell for him. Head over heals, never happened before.
    Then his own computer came in the conversation and we agreed i picked him up on monday after work, but he asked me to stay outside , i assume so colleagues wouldnt find out.

    Monday came, picked him up and went to his home and i did the computer. He was acting like we knew eachother for years. So when i was finished he went with me downstairs to open the door and say goodbye. And then i gave him a kiss on the cheek and he giggled.
    While i was walking outside i kinda felt embarrassed so i sent a text with apologising for that and that i liked him more than i thought. He replies with: thats ok but we have to keep it professional X. I thought strange, i didnt start the flirting...but i replied with i hope i didnt scare you and he replies with No but im not used to this X. I was crying outside and being confused. I really thought he liked me.
    When i got home i sent some more texts which i maybe shoulndt have done apologising, i felt so strange.
    I didnt get booked in till 2 weeks later no texts anymore apart from 1 still with an X. when i was there again at office, he tried to act kinda cool and all and was a tad nervous but was still giving me compliments and all. This session was much shorter than the others and i was the last client of the day. I said oh this is a short one and he replies oh you can keep me company and we chatted for a bit and he said that with computer things if he could call me and allAlso he mentioned something about me working at the office where he was, which i found a little odd. Then i left for home, very confused. I did get a booking, but for a different thing allthough he would be there as well. That appointment was supposed to be last wednesday but got moved to next week.

    Since then i been crying and confused.

    I wonder does he really likes me or not? Why would he invite a female client in his home and sends flirty texts and then tells me WE have to keep it professional? i mean he didnt say you have to be professional or something like i dont like you in that way. Ne neither said i do like you that way nor he doesnt , it somewhere left in the middle and i think i might have acted way to soon with that kiss on cheek and those apologising texts and i think i might have put him off me?

    Is it possible to fix thing by just being patient and give it time and all? I really really like him, he so sweet and lovely and all.

    I just wonder what he was thinking, sending me those texts and how nice he was and alll.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    Well I'm not a guy, but reading the situation it seems that you have interpreted the whole situation wrongly and in thinking that this guy had more of an interest, when infact I don't think he did.

    It seems to me, that he was no more than being friendly and polite with you and because you'd agreed to help him fix his pc.

    I wouldn't have read anything into the 'x' he was sending in his texts either. I've had guys put 'x' at the end of their messages to me, it's just a sign of affection I think, rather than a 'I'd like to get you know better', or 'I'd like to date you'....
    The kiss on the cheek again, I feel was just a sign of affection.

    Maybe I'm wrong though and because when it comes to guys, I can be quite dense....lol

    One thing I do know though, is that I never read into 'mixed' signals.
    To me and if a guy wants to date you, he let's you know....he doesn't prat about and act 'wishy washy' or blow hot and cold.
    At least the guys who always wanted to date me, were very upfront about it. As in constantly texting/phoning and basically forcing themselves upon me.
    Last edited by xxazurexx; 16-04-10 at 07:25 PM.

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