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Thread: Feel like im leading her on

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Feel like im leading her on

    Ok so, i've just started seeing this girl. But i have to admit im not that interested in her, yet i keep leading her on. She texts me quite a bit and i always text back... She sometimes texts me things like 'I wish i was with you' etc and i always reply 'I wish i was with u too'.

    I feel like shes falling for me already, and subconsiously im making this happen on purpose. Im not a nasty person, i just feel i can do better. I can see me sleeping with her and then not having contact with her anymore, i thought i was better than that... She went to get out of the car the other day, and i knew she wanted a goodbye kiss, so i called her back for a passionate kiss.

    She's actually quite a strong person on the outside, im not sure about inside. I think im either doing all of this just to break her, or im just seeing how far i can push. Im so confused as i also think subconsiously i want her.

    Long story short, on the outside to her im like the perfect guy. But on the inside to myself i feel like the devil just practising my skills of manipulation...

    Hit me with what ever you got, i wana know.


    p.s. sorry if all of this is confusing, im just saying whats in my head.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    If it troubles you so much, maybe you should stop doing it?

  3. #3
    girl68's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chezzzah View Post
    Hit me with what ever you got, i wana know.
    Ok, you're the dickhead, jerk that all mom's warn their daugthers about. You're the stereyotypical asshole, badboy that just wants to get into panties.

    If you honestly have any pride- give it up. Be a real asshole and tell her it ain't never gonna happen. Walk away and prey on pretty, slutty girls (as you think you deserve), who would just wanna suck on your bone.

    And please- don't pretend like you actaully want her... all you want is to conquer her. Subconcious bullshit you spill about actaully wanting her is a huge pile of elephant dung. (and you know it).

  4. #4
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    you said : "Im so confused as i also think subconsiously i want her."
    "inside to myself i feel like the devil just practising my skills of manipulation..."

    You know you're playing her! Have some respect for yourself dude. That's ****ed up! Let her go now. Karma will bite you in the ass.

  5. #5
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    You're wrong:

    Actually, you are a nasty person...a real nasty piece of work. Indeed so.

    And you seem to have come to this forum, as so many nasty pieces do, to get support and permission for your nastiness. These threads crawl with cheaters and adulterers and predators and degenerates trying to justify their personal filthiness.

    You're hoping that someone will tell you: "Great work...Go on, be as big an asshole as you want to be."

    OK, consider it done: I say, please carry on. You're doing a great job.

    Work on your Bad-Boy act all you want. You'll need a great deal of practice at being an absolute asshole if you're going to "do better" and get your fair share of the the cool girls. Go ahead and mess up the life of the girl you're currently using for tactical practice. Use her up; Hell, if you don't some other c**ksucker will.

    Guys like you have an important place in human society. Someone has to be there for all those millions of girls looking for their own, personal Bad Boy; someone has to screw them over, and turn them into the sour, vicious, revenge-seeking little bitches that the world needs to have to prevent those wimpy, born-loser nice guys from having a happy life.

  6. #6
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    If you actually go through with it, I hope you find that somehow, you can't bear to stop. I hope you get addicted to her and she makes you cry.

    I was the girl in this situation once. My high school boyfriend wasn't all that into me at first. Then we slept together. I don't know what it was that I did to that boy, but he became my bitch. I tortured him. God, I was horrible. I punished him for two years for being like that in the beginning.

    This could be your story as well. Beware.
    Spammer Spanker

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    You probably never got your heart broken up that much before. Please just leave the poor girl alone. Be honest with her about your feelings.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastwish View Post
    You probably never got your heart broken up that much before. Please just leave the poor girl alone. Be honest with her about your feelings.
    exactly! Do this, and it will cause a lot less hurt

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I know how you feel bud

    It's alright, I feel like I'm doing the same thing, well I actually have done that to a guy recently and then left him for his best friend now im doing that to him, but here ill map it out for you:

    This Summer in Order of Events, Crushes so on:
    Guy 1
    Guy 2(guy1's bestfriend)
    Guy 3(guy 1's cousin)
    Guy 4(guy 3's bestfriend)

    My friends say i lead them all on, and there calling me a player and stuff but these people hardly overlapped. My friends are telling me to lay off guys but the thing is I really like Guy 4, Guy 2 is madly in love with me though but I just can't find the words to say, I really dont like you, but my friends keep telling me no ones going to like me blah blah blah, and everyone's saying how its mean but your like stuck between a rock and a hard place. People like them don't understand people like us.

  10. #10
    girl68's Avatar
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    ^ I know exactly what kind of girl you are.

    You're the kind of guy who can't keep his dick in his pants- except you're a girl, and I'm not talking about your penis.

    Once you grow up- you'll look back and see what a little cock tease you really are. (And you can claim all you like that you aren't a cock tease- but you are). You know how I know- becuase you "just can't find the words to say, I really don't like you". Only cock teases say that.

    Oh yes, one more thing- your friends are right.

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