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Thread: I don't understand my ex-girlfriend, what do i do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    I don't understand my ex-girlfriend, what do i do?

    She dumped me from a 2 month relationship which was her first 6 weeks ago, because i was apparently too clingy. I still really care about her and its starting to annoy me. She dumped me for being too clingy and i want to move on, because i wasn't clingy i just wanted to see her more than once a week, but my heart wants her back.

    Before we started dating, i had no idea she liked me. She was always texting/flirting with my best friend, always going and sitting with him (this was on leavers) speaking to him and just hanging around him. I was almost certain she liked him when we went out to the beach, we were climbing up a rock and she reached out for my mates hand to help her up and she also looked really hurt when my mate went off with another girl. I talked to her heaps on facebook but we didn't really talk at all in person. I couldn't take it anymore so i told her how i feel, she said she felt the same and that her "hinting" was because she talked to me on facebook, i was really suprised but we starting dating.
    Now when we we're with our leavers group outside of leavers, she was always smiling and talkative towards me and the connection between her and my mate didn't really exist.

    6 weeks since the break-up now and everything has returned to normal like before we started dating. She is always texting/hanging around my mate and pays no attention to me, but this time we don't talk at all, we haven't talked 1 on 1 in a month. ( i deleted her from facebook out of anger/hurt)
    Exept she is acting weird. Just like before we were dating and when she apparently "liked" me, she acts nervous when we're around eachother.

    Such as the last two nights our group had a gathering at my house. She arrived at my house whilst i was getting something out of my car, i waved and said hi, she smiled nervously and quietly said hi and i directed her to the games room where our friends were, this happened both nights. And when we're in the group, she'll look at me when im talking, laugh/add things to what i say, she handed me a pool cue i thanked her but she turned her head away, she said bye and looked around the room exept the corner i was in. Im pretty sure she knows im not affected by the break-up as much anymore, but i still have feelings for her (not sure if she knows this!) But 2 days after she broke up with me i poured my heart out to her at her house, she said it couldn't happen. I go away for a week, come back, try to talk to her, she doesn't really reciprocate so i cut all contact. She knows im usually going out/having fun with friends as she is close with my friends and i even caught her asking one of her friends if i "had fun" the other night when i went clubbing. It's all so confusing, her friends doesn't think she has feelings for me, but admitts she never told them she had feelings in the first place and the way she is acting is just not normal.

    When she dumped me she said ; we're not meant to be, i don't feel the same anymore, your the nciest and sweetest guy i have ever met and i still really want to be friends, i'll introduce you to better girls at uni. She continued to cry and ask me to stay at her house, so i talked to her just like friends for 2 hours. What should i do, i don't want to keep no contact up because i still want her in my life, the way she has been acting either suggests that she still has some feelings and is struggling because i appear to not be affected, or she just can't speak to me at all 1 on 1/look at me because she knows she hurt me. Should i text her or something, just ask how she is, slowly start re-communicating?
    Last edited by turolturok5; 10-03-11 at 09:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I think she probably just wasn't feeling the spark in the relationship. She could probably tell that you liked her way more than she liked you. So she broke up with you before things could get too serious. I think she's awkward around you because well, sometimes it's awkward around an ex. She probably doesn't really know how to act around you and it'll take time before you guys can get back to being friends like you used to be. My advice to you is to just let it go. She could have done you a favor by breaking it off before you got too attached.
    Last edited by Heathy; 11-03-11 at 08:02 AM.

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