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Thread: How do i get to this "Date" step?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    How do i get to this "Date" step?

    known a girl for a while...hang out sometimes when she has free time...
    well now i realized i want to be more than friends with this girl. So whenever i call her to ask what she is doing this saturday or sunday..she would like nicely respond that she has to go to like her aunt's house or something...and then i would be like alright well thats cool...

    the question is: how do i ask her out? i dont think doing it over a phone or a text message is a good idea since that would make you look like a puss.

    but the situation just never presents itself to ask her face to face. Are there any tenhiques you all know that would like get the girl to go somewhere with you, and then you could ask her out from there...or is over the phone the only chance i have..

    i am open to any suggestions..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Doing it on the phone is fine. If the opportunity doesn't present itself to do it in person, then just call her and ask her out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    well i really never had to ask a girl out before...the only girl i was around took the first step...like will she think i just want to hang out if i ask her out? or like do i have to exactly say like do you want to date me? or go out on a date?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Don't ask her straight up, "Do you want to date me?" Ask her to go out to dinner. Don't just say "hang out." Just take her somewhere nice and do something to get your point across that you want to be her boyfriend. But I don't know what to tell you with that, its something you've got to figure out yourself.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Columbus. OH
    I wouldn't ask her straight up either....maybe you should just asked her if she would be interested in going out somewhere with you. Just got out with her and enjoy the time you spend with her. Carry on conversations and so on... then at the end of the night (if everything goes alright)... just tell her how you feel about her and go from there... how you do it is up to you!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!

  6. #6
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Yeah, sounds like phone is the only option... I'd call her early in the week (i.e. Today) and just have a little small talk, ask her how she's been, etc etc... and then be like "Well hey, we should get together sometime this week, how 'bout I take you to dinner this weekend?" That way she can say which day is good for her, incase she already has plans on one of the nights.

    You don't have to make a big deal of it, you don't have to say "I wanna go on a date" - just play it cool and let your body language do all the talking.

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