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Thread: A confused brokenhearted teen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    A confused brokenhearted teen

    im 16 yrs old and my crush set up a guy to act as his bf...idk what she's doing so help me plsss she know that i had a crush on her,i used to text her last time but my phone broke so i eventually stopped that...my only chance is talking to her in school which i occassionaly do after school...the school is almost ending and i want this to work out coz ive been doing this for almost a year...she's a shy person and rarely talk ,she just gave me a few response and smiled cutely every time we meet we exchange glances and she smiled with a cute laugh(when she's with her friend,they laugh together if they see me looking at her)one of her friend said that she liked me but im not too sure bout that...but just now after school she's with a guy(same class as her and a not so close friend of mine which propably doesnt know i liked her)walking awkwardly with her,at first i didnt realised that they were walking together...but after she pulled the guy to another walkway with her friends(while looking at me except that guy)and walk further...me(who just realised whats happening)got blurred out and just walk the other way all confused...then i pass by a friend of mine who was the guy's friend and was in the same class...i ask if the guy have a gf and he knew what i was talking about and just said that its fake...then i met up with them(crush and 2 friends)to ask them bout that...her friend just said it was true and that they were in a relationship(my crush just smiled and nod)so walk by trying to register this...after a few mins i went back and talk to her personally if it was true and she said yes...i ask if i should stop meeting up with her...she said yes(but not straight one,more like the unsure of what to say) thx for reading and pls reply of what you think...sory its long,just wanted to make it more clear im new here...so hey guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I think that you should stop giving attention to this girl. It really sounds like she's interested in the other guy. It happens.

    It's pointless to suffer for someone who doesn't have too much interest in you, so try to accept that this hasn't worked out, look around you and next time you like a girl, have a bit more initiative and ask her out straight away.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    thx man,i appreciate all the the info i could get

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I agree with Valixy. Teenage crushes are terribly confusing, there are so many emotions...but yes, a good lesson to learn is that if a girl shows interest in another guy, it's time to move on to another girl. It hurts and it's hard to do, but there are so many girls out there and so many opportunities to have a fun and loving relationship.

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