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Thread: Is there still a chance?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Is there still a chance?

    My ex of 10 months broke up with me 6 days ago. At the time he had just woken up at a friends house from drinking/playing poker so he was not in the greatest of moods when I argued with him about something (mostly me as he is not confrontational or starts anything, very frustrating) finally he said that he was tired and sleepy and didn't want to fight anymore and that our relationship couldn't last. He said goodbye and apologized that he could not be a better boyfriend and that I deserve to find somebody that could give me what I want. That part is another issue as he came out of a 8 year relationship with his ex fiancee who cheated on him so he always had an emotional wall up and didn't want to be hurt again. Otherwise, he was great boyfriend, gentleman, loyal, and honest. He also said that it was not fair for him to stay with me because he knew he was hurting me and that he needed to move on and that I'll always have a place in his heart.

    I suppose the reason why i ask if there is a chance is before this, he was very sweet. He even got me a surprise that he was supposed to drop off the night before but I told him to give it to me the next day when we hung out (still don't know what the surprise was). We had plans to go snorkeling next weekend and this weekend we were supposed to go to a Halloween festival (that he boughts tickets for both of us), but of course he went with his roommate. On Facebook, we are still listed as "in a relationship" but he rarely goes on his account and probably has not thought to take that off. I have shown no activity on my Facebook, not responding to wall posts on my page from friends (although i message them so he can't see). It's been almost a week now and no contact on either side (although right after he broke up, i begged him the first hour but told myself No Contact asap and I did).

    I've been going online to different forums and sites and reading that I should use NC to move on and not for him to call back, understandable. But, what is the usual wait time for them to reach out again? 2-3 weeks at the most? Although I'm sure it depends on many factors. He hasn't deleted me on FB (I know I should do it but I think he should since he broke up with me) but is there any possibility that he may come back? I feel like the way it was ended (via text) was not the best of talk, but he did say "goodbye" and apologize. Should I just assume that he's over it? He must feel guilty, maybe even relieved, I have no idea.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    3 months is the max for guys to change their mind. Just keep busy and don't show that you are a big puddle of mess.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    well, your situation is kinda hard and need some reference to talk about... if you want answers by just reading and analyzing what happen to both of you... here's my answer or advise

    you guy probably not "well moved on by his past EX GF" and if you are wondering that you and him had a PLANS or something sparkling in your relationship, that is what he want to EXTEND between his ex GF and him... so inshort, he just want to heal using you... well LSgirl i like to help you regarding your problem but you have to help yourself... " True love means showing what you feel for others but nothing to EXPECT in return" and in seeking for advise its not a 1 day process... your to consider more than this... if you want to continue this conversation im willing to talk about this.. well im kinda confused right now and troubled thinking bout my ex lol... i mean doin this might help me as well

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