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Thread: what's your opinion on this situation? please explain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    what's your opinion on this situation? please explain

    me and this guy met on a cruise. we had sex twice. on the cruise he called me his girlfriend, and if I lived in maryland he said that I would be his girlfriend. after the cruise he contacted me right away. after awhile he wasn't contacting me so I wrote him a message basically saying that if he doesn't write back, he doesn't want any part of me..and he wrote back. between the cruise and college we saw each other twice, once the surprise visit, and the other time we hung out and talked the entire time..no sex. after that visit, he texted me right after saying "thanks for coming..cant wait to see you again"..i told him I was glad that we got to talk and he said "i would never use you" later on I said I was going to bed and I told him to have fun and he said "all my fun left at 12"...which is when I left. two days later he texts me and were talking about him coming to ny to visit me and we could go to the city..and he said "way rather see you then the city"..the third time we were supposed to hang out , he messed up plans...and I was down near where he lived and was staying at a hotel. he called me and got a cab and told me he was coming to see me..and it doesn't matter how much it costs he just wanted to see me..but I told him he messed up plans in the first place, and it was too late so there was no point in coming. 5 days later, he called me and apologized for when he messed up plans. he said "lets keep this long distance relationship going". this past august, I came to college near where he lives, a whole year since the cruise. we had kept in contact for one year..and now were 15 minutes away. we've hung out 6 times since I've been here. the first time he just stopped by with his friend and his friend said that the guy I like wanted to see his girl..meaning me. we didn't have sex, we just talked. he texted me after the visit and said it was nice seeing you tonight. I told him I was sorry he didn't stay longer and he said he would have loved to, but he didn't want my suitemates to hate him for being there so late when we have classes the next day. and he said "just wanted to see you." the second time he came to visit he came to lay with me. we layed together and talked the whole time, and then did stuff, but no sex. I asked him why things happen sexually between us and he said because I like you and you like me. and I said as more than a friend?and he was like..yeah I like you as more than a friend. the next time we hung out we just layed and talked with eachother..no sex. the 4th time we layed together and talked again..no sex. the 5th time we hung out..we actually did have sex..and it was real intimate, and he went and slept on the couch after? which he's NEVER done before. and then the next time we hung out he was acting really strange and I asked if he liked me and he said "of course I do, its obvious I do, I just don't want a gf"

    does he have feelings for me or is he using me for sex? PLEASE EXPLAIN.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    'I just don't want a gf'-unfortunately this is the naswer to your question. He enjoys spending time with you but is not looking for a relationship. If this is what you want as well then no problem. But if you want a relationship with him , I am afraid it is not going to happen. He ought to have tld you sooner of course but what's done is done. He is not looking for a gf but rather for a friend with benefits.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    For one thing this guy just wanted you for sex. He has no feelings for you. His ex, well he is probably using her for sex too, and she is probably less demanding and more emotionally stable so he is sticking with her. You have turned into a psycho...what guy would want to date someone who goes nuts like you. You need to snap out of it, and keep those feelings in check. Just because you desire someone so bad doesn't mean they should feel the same way about you....and with this guy, you are most terribly mistaken. He was in it for the sex...that's it, and I know you have had that gut feeling all along that he was using you...

    He is cutting you off because you are cuckoo, and he feels you may threaten what he has going on with his ex. He ain't so desirable after all now is he?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    This is the 4th sub-forum you've posted this in. You know the answer.
    You've heard the same thing from everyone who has replied. You new the answer before anyone replied.

    1) Respect yourself and quit begging to be someones fk buddy.
    2) You know that it was just sex with you when he has a girlfriend. Do you really want more to do with a guy that cheats?
    3) You gave him a perfectly good out after he got sex. When you started to make things difficult then he deep sixed you.

    Quit pining away for a cheater and begging to be his piece on the side. Respect yourself better than that and forget he exists because if he ever contacts you again, it is insanely obvious that it will only be more sex and then he'll just go back to his girlfriend.. Ugh!

    You should want more than that for yourself. From now on if you know a guy has a girlfriend back off and quit contacting him and allowing him to contact you and that way you'll not "catch feelings" for someone who is already in a relationship. Don't let sex cloud your judgement either. Just hooking up is not an action of love, it's lust, It is a sexual release. PERIOD!
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Funny how this story changes....a troll maybe amongst us.

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