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Thread: How to get girl through facebook

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    How to get girl through facebook

    I know someone in my class from last semester, but haven't seen her at all recently. We are acquaintances, not really friends.

    I basically said hi to her on facebook, and she said things are going great, and how I am doing.

    What should I say in return? Saying "things are great etc etc" will obviously end the conversation right there, yet I can't just ask her out or something.

    Advice? besides try to strike up a conversation on fb, then meeting her.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Oh man, that's tough. I would try to figure out a way to run into her and talk to her outside of facebook, and not use facebook. Do you go to a big school? Do you ever run into her in the dining hall? I would suggest trying to strike up a conversation - the fact that you already had a class together makes it a lot easier! You have something built in to talk about, and as soon as you've had a real conversation with her, it's not creepy to ask for her number. But I've had someone strike up a conversation with me through facebook, and no matter how nice he was, it came off as stalkerish.

    But if you absolutely have no other way of contacting or seeing her, I would suggest just asking her out for coffee immediately, before it has time to turn into a stale, old conversation. Before either of you have too much time to read a lot into it. Maybe say "I never see you now that we don't have class together - how about a quick coffee this week?"

  3. #3
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    I wouldn't do anything... but a "hey, would you like to go bowling this friday?" or something like that. maybe it will work, maybe not. just make sure it is similar to what i said.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I would say "yea things are great, how did you do in that class? man that prof was awesome/stupid/enter adjective here" if she doesnt respond, then she is probably uninterested/has boyfriend/other love interest... if she responds then keep rolling with the conversation! Like what classes are you taking now, whats your major, try to relate (but be yourself).. I definintely wouldnt ask her out right away, and when/if you do I would make it super casual! Say something like "wanna grab some coffee?" or if you have mutual friends invite her to go out with the group of you... Girls get creeped out easy, as do guys I am sure...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Baby carrot I like your response. Lets see what happens...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Well asking someone out on a date straight forward will more than likely creep them out unless you know and talk to them in person as well. I'd say try to find something you both enjoy doing and ask if she'd like to do it too.

    For me and my ex when we first started talking, it was running. I used to go running and she would as well...so I just asked if she'd like to go running together sometime. Of course there was still that chance that it may have weirded her out that I asked her out on myspace. But it was also a subtle move where we both had something in common and not just,"hey want to go out to dinner with me?"

    So right now small talk, find out about them and find something you'll both enjoy.

  7. #7
    Illusional's Avatar
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    why not ask her to lunch to catch up because you already are friends from before.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  8. #8
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    Yeah really, just ask her already. No need for pussy-footing. It's foolish and wasting your time.

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