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Thread: Going Threw a tuff time, help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Going Threw a tuff time, help!

    hey, hows everyone doing. well where do i start i have been dating this girl for close to 3 years. When we started going out all she ever wanted to do was be with me, we did everything together and 2 years later we got engaged. she moved into my house with me and everything was going great. then one day it was like she woke up and all her plans had changed. she hit me wit the "i need some space" so as hard as it was i gave it to her things are getting bad. she tells me that she still loves me very much and when she decides she wants to settle down she wants it to be wit me. we still are together we talk all the time and we still are very intamit. what is going on and what should i do this is my dream girl i feel like i cant let her go

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    It's a Jersey Thing
    Quote Originally Posted by mike454z View Post
    we did everything together and 2 years later we got engaged. she moved into my house with me and everything was going great. then one day it was like she woke up and all her plans had changed...
    ok, so there is definitely an underlying issue that has probably been bothering her for awhile. either she was really good at hiding it or you just didn't pick up on any of the signs. there could be a lot of things going on, maybe she is getting really scared about commitment and is trying to distance herself to reduce stress. it could also be that she has started to feel differently about you (but since you guys are still very intimate, i'm leaning against this). there is another possibility that she could be having feelings for someone else. you didn't give very much detail so i'm just guessing, but from the way you described it, it might just be that she is doubting making that serious commitment just yet.

    you should definitely sit her down and have a conversation with her explaining how you feel and asking her to explain how she is feeling. once you guys communicate on this level you will have a much better understanding as to what's going on and how you can work together to fix it...
    the love you take is equal to the love you make

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    we have talked very much about it, she has assured me over and over again that there is no one els but that she wants some time to not be as serious about things. im just haveing a hard time with it because i am so set on how things were before. she also has started a new job (witch i got for her) that is pritty demanding. i think she just couldent take the stress of all of this at one time but i want her to love me the way she did before is there anyway to get that to happen

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I'm leaning towards there being someone else.

    I basically went through this exact same thing.

    You might be smothering her, she probably wants her individuality back. Stop doing so much together, thats what we did and it killed our relationship. In every relationship that lasts the man says things like "Yeah I just needed to get out of the house, I work overtime to get away from my wife, I hate my wife, My wife sucks etc." Men who actually love their women get stomped on and cheated on. Women need to think they can lose you, if they know they have you they just want to control you, then they get bored and sample the sausage selection all while manipulating you since your their 'boy toy'.

    I enjoyed that. Here's the real deal, if you act like a pushover just because you love someone you will become THEIR pushover. Stand up, be a man. If you don't want to watch Gossip Girl and would rather go play ball with your buds than do that. I'm guessing you don't have any friends any more right? All your time and energy has gone into this succubus, trust me, its a waste. If its meant to be you have 50 more years to spend time together, why try and spend every waking minute together now????

    Have you seen the hangover? You know Doctor Faggot's wife? (Andy from the office) That's what happens when you give a woman too much power in a relationship. She cheats and she uses you like a door mat. (This post made me laugh lol, I only believe about 75% of what I wrote)

    ---There's the bitter out.

    Here's the truth of the matter. Basically what I said except you need to remain 'a man' when you change who you are because of a relationship you are destined to fail. I mean, did you always just sit around and do literally everything with one person before this girl? Would you allow someone to say 'I want to be able to fool around but when I'm done I want to settle down with you" to your face and not kick them as hard as you can in their baby maker?
    Last edited by Cosmo; 09-06-10 at 07:20 AM.
    Women... They smell nice but they are soul murderers. - William Murderface

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    It's a Jersey Thing
    she could be really stressed and just needs a breather, or she could be interested in someone else and is having doubts about how she feels about you.

    i'd say if you really love her, follow cosmo's advice and try to distance yourself from her a bit. give her space to do her own things and concentrate on doing stuff for yourself. hang out with the guys or pick up a hobby. designate nights in the week where you guys strictly do stuff together and get that couple time in. if things still don't get better, then i'd say she is having doubts about your relationship altogether or she is involved with someone else.
    the love you take is equal to the love you make

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    i no she is having doubts but i cant see she is in to someone els because of the amount of sex we still have and most of the time she is looking for it from me (sorry to be so blunt lol)

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    It's a Jersey Thing
    then i'd keep things going and just give her the space she needs. not much else you can do, if you try too hard you'll smother her and she'll end up leaving you. just give her what she is asking for now and see where it takes you...
    the love you take is equal to the love you make

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Maybe she does need some time to herself, time to think. It can be scary the thought of getting married. The best think to do it give her what she needs. She probably does love you. If you try to push the subject it might push her away.

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