Well in May I helped my best friend move from Washington to Maryland. It was 61 hours of drive time. Well things didn't pan out here for him and his new family, so they're all going back. Last time one of his dead beat friends said he'd help him and then said he couldn't a week before he was to leave (this was after he bought the guy a plane ticket). I flew there and helped him drive to MD. This time a different friend was supposed to fly out here and help him drive to WA. Well his wife is pregnant and is having complications, so he can't do it. Once again I volunteer

I am both looking forward to this and not at the same time. It will be great to be with my friend for a few days, and at the same time my OCDish tendencies are reminding me in the back of my head that this is not the normal routine. Labor day my family and I usually visit other family and cook out and drink, and because of a few things this weekend would have been a 4 day weekend. Obviously that won't be happening. Oh well. I guess I'm venting more than anything here since we don't have blogs anymore.