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Thread: drunken texts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    drunken texts

    how many of you have done this? i did it last night while me and my ex are on a 1 week no contact. it wasnt good either,i basically put what im feeling with this situation and that i believe this no contact thing is her polite way of ending it and all she has to do is say its over and ill walk away and not hate her.
    no reply for like half hour so i txt her again saying i take the hint and ill pick my jacket up tomorrow or another day. when i woke there was a reply saying im an idiot and im talkin silly.
    so i rpelied this morning saying yup,then she replied with "your thinking too much" ..so now im all confused again and i kinda wish i hadnt text her now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    London, England
    I take it that 1-weeks worth of no-contact is not normal for you?

    If she thinks you are thinking too much, then perhaps she needs to actually talk to you to address your concerns; rather than call you an idiot.

    You didn't mention whether something had happened recently in the relationship to make you think things weren't going good. The fact that you hadn't been in touch with each other suggests that something is up.

    You need to speak to her, and sort this out. If she still thinks you're an idiot or silly, then that is not a good sign.
    -... --- --- -... .. . ...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    sorry,basically a few weeks ago she kissed some guy on a night out,its all gone from there really.
    we saw each other for the next week,kissing,txting,saying we love each other etc and we even went to thecoats for day out on tuesday. on wednesday she told me she wanted a week no contact to sort her head out and decide what she wants.
    i didnt txt her for the next 2 days but on the 3rd day i saw her as i was walking my dog,we spoke a little bit and she even kissed me.
    last night i sent that txt above.
    half hour ago i was walking my dog and saw her again,she lives very close to me so i cant really avoid seeing her,we walked the dogs together and she was very snappy towards me and when i asked why she was so angry she said it was because of my txt,i said sorry too.
    we carried on talking about things and she just said she feels suffocated etc and is sick of talking about the same stuff.i said i cant help seeing you when im out with the dog,ive only txt her once which was last night,cos i was drunk. i told her if she wants me to walk away i will.she said im not sayign that,5 mins later she was shoutin sayin if you want to walk away just do it then...
    in the end she went in and we kissed again.,its literally tearing me apart and i told her this,but she needs time to decide if this is gonna work. im lost on how to react.
    and now she text me asking what im doing. hmmm
    Last edited by headsashed; 16-07-11 at 10:43 PM. Reason: to add something

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by headsashed View Post
    we carried on talking about things and she just said she feels suffocated etc and is sick of talking about the same stuff.
    Usually this stuff is a problem or sth that hurts you which you tell your partner about, hoping that he/she will change or do sth about it. If it doesn't change, you talk about it again... and again... because the pain / problem usually doesn't disappear by just being ignored, on the contrary it gets worse because you feel not loved, not heard, not respected.

    Your partner on the other hand knows exactly what she/he could do about this stuff, but doesn't want to. So of course it's very uncomfortable for him/her if you keep mentioning this stuff, and soon he/she feels suffocated by it. But the thing is: he/she does not want to do something about it to make you feel better. And that's the crux.

    she needs time to decide if this is gonna work.
    No matter how much it hurts... the main question is: do you want to be with a person who has to make up her/his mind if she/he wants to be with you or not? Do you have to think about whether you want to be with her or do you just know? You just know... wouldn't you rather have somebody who just knows too?

    You deserve better! YES, way better! BIG TIME!!!


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