So I broke up with my ex boyfriend who I stopped loving months ago for someone else, someone that i work with. That guy had someone else too and he broke up with her for me too. So we had been going out for a fair few times but everything was just so right between us that eventually he asked me to be his girlfriend. We are both good looking but he is one of those people who is always happy and smiley and friendly and many girls are always around him, however they are just friends to him. I've been introduced to his family, i always go around, his Mum always cooks me meals and i even got a present off them for this Christmas. Sometimes in work he comes across a little bit clingy, he used to follow me around sometimes and came over to say bye in the end of the night if i was still working, always tried to kiss me when we were still in the building although he knew I didn't like this whole public love thing. It was cute though. Anyway, everything was just going right until I had these two silly arguments with him..both similar, one why the girl he gets along with always gives me dirty looks and second argument was when i seen him text her, that's when I flipped for some reason and asked why he had been texting her. He was going out that night and I asked him whether she was going too! I came across quite nasty I suppose, since the tone of my voice was horrible and I just sounded so jealous, also i told him to be careful with the girls. He just laughed and went quiet, when I asked him why, he said he doesn't understand why I keep mentioning this one girl and why am i being so protective because he trusts me and he would never say things like that to me. So we had that argument and for the next few days he seemed quite off with me, short texts, not texting me in the mornings etc etc. So couple of days later he invited me to a night out with his mates, and later we stayed in mine for the night. I had to open the conversation again and i asked him why he had been so ignorant. He explained that he didn't like me coming across so intense as if we had been in a long term relationship. He said he wants to be with me and he wants things happening in the future but he doesn't want to rush or force anything, because of what happened to his previous relationship and that his ex used to be very intense and jealous too and that ruined what they had. He said that was what drew him to me, the fact that I was so chilled and we both had fun without any arguments or anything. Now i keep thinking i've ruined it all and he just sees me as a copy of his jealous ex. Now he doesn't want this relationship anymore?!