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Thread: My ex gf left me for another guy and now shes contacting me again!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    My ex gf left me for another guy and now shes contacting me again!

    girls. I just want to know what my ex gf is doing to me now. Heres my story.

    My ex gf and I had a 3 yr and 8 mos relationship and it ended last Dec 2017. Yes before christmas. Nice huh? She admitted to my face that she has an online foreign bf for 3 days already. So yeah she cheated on me.

    After she told me that I just ran away and didn't contact her for 3 days. But after just 3 days, I contacted her to see me in person coz I needed to have my thing back (lame excuse). So she met up with me.

    The 1st meeting after our breakup was a total damage to my ego. I became needy. I even cried infront of her. I was so vulnerable. But I never told her to get back with me though. I just couldn't hide the pain I was feeling.

    We actually met twice in a row. We kissed, hangout in a karaoke bar.

    After our first meeting, I was still texting her for 3 days but I was only replied like 2 or 3 texts. After that I realized it was pointless contacting her so I stopped. I didn't contact her for 6 days.

    After not contacting her for 6 days, she suddenly contacted me with a love emoticon. It's something like this: [URL=http://www.loveforum.net/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=love]#love[/URL] (but of course in a flashy emoticon).

    I didnt reply to it but I admit I felt excited. So when I just 'seen' it, she sent me another message saying how was I, happy new year, etc etc. Then she called me many times but I didn't answer.

    That morning, I replied to her and we exchanged messages for 6 days. Then suddenly she became cold. I saw she updated her fb cover photo with a caption that says about a guy name. I confronted her and asked and she said he's her new online friend coz she broke up with her 1st online bf before christmas.

    So I realized that's why she contacted me back coz she broke up with her 1st online bf. Lol.

    After I learned about her new guy friend, I was devastated and got angry I admit. So since I knew I didnt have a chance, I made a plan B and that's to f*** her up and leave her for good.

    So I asked her to meet up with me one last time. She agreed. So I took her to a hotel and we made love.

    After our last meeting, I didn't contacted her for 5 days and then bang, just last night she contacted me. She said how I was doing. I didnt reply and I dont know if I will reply. I dont want to be tricked again. I will give it like 3 days and see what happens.

    So girls, you have any idea why she's still contacting me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Attention. I'd loose that one. Fast.

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