I do not understand men at all... How do you express emotion toward someone you are bonded with or have feelings for?
What is emotional intimacy to you?
I do not understand men at all... How do you express emotion toward someone you are bonded with or have feelings for?
What is emotional intimacy to you?
We normally don't express emotions
Emotional intimacy is probably when you care so much for the girl that later you find out that all he said was true.
To be or not to be?
Is that the question?
Most guys don't really express their emotions. But a few do. I'm more of a touchy guy. I like to massage their back or feet, caress their hair or arm while we lay together and watch TV. If I'm behind them I like to kiss their neck for no reason.
I am also verbal and I tell my gf what I love about her. She seems used to a man being open with his feelings now. And she really likes it.
If you want a guy who is fine expressing his emotions, find a secure, confident, mature guy. By mature I don't mean old. Mature means responsible. Go out and find one who is responsible but still knows how to have fun.
I have a long time interest in psychology, specializing in relationship dynamics for 30 years.
(Please note, we give the best advice we can based on the information given in a post. For better advice, please include the age of all romantic partners.)
Yep! Making sure her oil is changed in her car, picking up her son when she needs help, cooking her favorite dinner, listenng to what she has to say, not agreeing with her but respecting her decisions. Ect. The list is endless.
But as far as laying my emotion out on the floor for her to rifle through? No... That's not me nor is it most men
We are human beings, not soulless animals.
We men (and women) beside non verbal communication we use verbal as well.
No better thing if a men can express his feelings to a woman with words, with "real" words.
Imagine if someone can say "i love you" without using any cheesy pickup lines or anything like this.
In my opinion, a real man, is a man that can touch a woman not only with actions but words as well.
We meant not to do the seduction mode, so we only show how we love someone with our actions
and nothing more. This is no true at all for me . . this is flat, and afraid of being honest to your partner
and to yourself (the most).
If you carry old bricks from your past relationship to your new one,
you will build the same house that fell apart before.
When was the last time you did something for the first time?