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Thread: Pathetic Bastard!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Pathetic Bastard!

    His job is to eat and sleep. He does nothing but sit aorund trying to impress his friends with his stupid made up stories thinking he's some kind of bigshot. He is my father. I feel sorry for him 'cus his life is so wasted, but I HATE HIM! I hate him for beating my mother. I hate him for beating me and my sisters!
    He doesn't do it anymore but he's still a pain in the ass! He doesn't do drugs anymore either, but again he has no use in our lives! Why can't he just die or something? I know that's a bad thing to ask for, but he would bring so much ease into our lives if he just went away! F***! Yet, he still has the nerve to complain and ask for money! You pathetic bastard! GO TO HELL!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lovestruck
    His job is to eat and sleep. He does nothing but sit aorund trying to impress his friends with his stupid made up stories thinking he's some kind of bigshot. He is my father. I feel sorry for him 'cus his life is so wasted, but I HATE HIM! I hate him for beating my mother. I hate him for beating me and my sisters!
    He doesn't do it anymore but he's still a pain in the ass! He doesn't do drugs anymore either, but again he has no use in our lives! Why can't he just die or something? I know that's a bad thing to ask for, but he would bring so much ease into our lives if he just went away! F***! Yet, he still has the nerve to complain and ask for money! You pathetic bastard! GO TO HELL!
    Lovestruck, I really don't know what to say after reading your post. But we all go through ups and downs in life - but in our own way. We all grow up - in our own way. There are things in your life that are unique to you, just as there are things in mine.

    First of all, I really admire you for your courage. I am a weak person - even though I act tough - I can tell you are a strong person. Just be as positive as you can - and trust me - the future will be bright - it always is!

    Nature has a funny way of working out. In the middle - we all hit the bumps - but in the long term - things will always get better.

    Your dads attitude gives you that much more motivation to be a good person in life - you don't want to be like your dad - so you have something GREAT to look foward to! Life IS good, and Life IS bright - maybe not right now - but mark my words, somewhere down the road, you'll be thinking about this post, and you will say............

    ............That RSK guy was on to something.........Life DOES get better,

    Take Care - and hope to here from you soon,


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Hi RSK.. thanks for that. you don't know how much I needed to hear that. Sorry if my post seemed morbid in a way, but it's really how i feel.I know for a fact you're right. Life does have it's bright sides, for me that's my beautiful son. You're probably thinking I'm some messed up person who takes all sorts of depressants, right? I'm not.. I'm really cheerful.. I'ts just sometimes I need to say what I feel so I can maintain my cheerfulness. I thought since nobody knew who I am here this would be the best place to do it.
    Thanks again so much for the advice. You seem like a very respectful person.

    Take care.

    I hope you
    Quote Originally Posted by RSK
    Lovestruck, I really don't know what to say after reading your post. But we all go through ups and downs in life - but in our own way. We all grow up - in our own way. There are things in your life that are unique to you, just as there are things in mine.

    First of all, I really admire you for your courage. I am a weak person - even though I act tough - I can tell you are a strong person. Just be as positive as you can - and trust me - the future will be bright - it always is!

    Nature has a funny way of working out. In the middle - we all hit the bumps - but in the long term - things will always get better.

    Your dads attitude gives you that much more motivation to be a good person in life - you don't want to be like your dad - so you have something GREAT to look foward to! Life IS good, and Life IS bright - maybe not right now - but mark my words, somewhere down the road, you'll be thinking about this post, and you will say............

    ............That RSK guy was on to something.........Life DOES get better,

    Take Care - and hope to here from you soon,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    You are absolutely right, lovestruck, it's very important to let things out. I don't think you are messed up at all! That's nonesense! So many people, as I right this go through tough times in life. Life is tough.

    If everything was perfect - then life would SUCK. Just imagine - if life was perfect - you wouldn't know what it means to be happy, let me explain.......

    ......The fact that you are going through a blue period right now, makes you turn to the beatiful things in life, your son. If things were 'perfect', then perhaps you would never have appreciated things you do now.

    I hope you know what I mean. So many people go through life, not knowing what they should appreciate most - those people are the one's who grow up sad, and alone.

    The fact that you have a great outlook on life, is great!

  5. #5
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    Aug 2005
    once again, thanks for the advice.. and yes, i understand what you're trying to explain. i might complain sometimes, but i know how to appreciate a good lesson in life. i've worked hard to get where i am and i'm working even harder to get where i want to be. what's your secret? you seem to be so happy and positive?

  6. #6
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lovestruck
    what's your secret? you seem to be so happy and positive?
    My secret is that I wear edible underwear. Wearing edible underwear makes me both, happy and positive. It gives me that extra edge.

    No, but really - I always try to look for the good things in life. Life is too short. We're here for a breif period of time - and then we go. And while I am here - I want to be good, not bad. Well, I also want to be bad (but in a good way). The whole bad as in good bad, and not bad bad.
    Last edited by RSK; 28-08-05 at 11:48 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    hahaha.. i'll try that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lovestruck
    His job is to eat and sleep. He does nothing but sit aorund trying to impress his friends with his stupid made up stories thinking he's some kind of bigshot. He is my father. I feel sorry for him 'cus his life is so wasted, but I HATE HIM! I hate him for beating my mother. I hate him for beating me and my sisters!
    He doesn't do it anymore but he's still a pain in the ass! He doesn't do drugs anymore either, but again he has no use in our lives! Why can't he just die or something? I know that's a bad thing to ask for, but he would bring so much ease into our lives if he just went away! F***! Yet, he still has the nerve to complain and ask for money! You pathetic bastard! GO TO HELL!
    Shut the hell up. To me it just sounds like your jealous of his life style. Does it bother you that he is alive?. How is his life wasted when he had you so he obviously accomplished life's goal...to breed. Oh and a job of just eating and sleeping?...were do I apply?!. Just cause something doesnt benefit you doesnt mean its bad you selfish crap.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  9. #9
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    Live together. Die alone - [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvi_RCM3FAM[/url]

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    Shut the hell up. To me it just sounds like your jealous of his life style. Does it bother you that he is alive?. How is his life wasted when he had you so he obviously accomplished life's goal...to breed. Oh and a job of just eating and sleeping?...were do I apply?!. Just cause something doesnt benefit you doesnt mean its bad you selfish crap.
    that is sooo messed up, ov

    i can't believe you wrote this

    i think you just crossed the line:

    this is where you are supposed to be (with everyone else)

    _____________________________________ <-------this is the line

    and this is where you are right now

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Canada RULES!
    OV's in a big "hating women" mode. I'd just ignore that one.

    Evil School!!
    May not be on LF as much, due to unforeseen circumstances.
    Blame College and Homework for Everything!!

  12. #12
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    Where you live
    I'll think he'll change with time. He's still got ways to go yet. I have faith.

    Lovestruck, glad to you choose to vent here rather than doing other crazy shiet.

    "Ogres are like onions."

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Oh so the problem is with me?. You people really think shes right about her father being better of dead?. Seriously?...just cause he doesnt do what she wants him too?
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    I don't think I'd miss a wife-and-child-beating former drug addict who is also an unemployed freeloader, sucking up resources better spent in other ways...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by shh!
    I thought you didn't like chocolate, Frasbee. So you can send them over here. I'll take them off your hands.
    Yo dude, if they had vanilla truffles I'd eat those instead.

    In any case, there's nothin' like the bitter sweet flavor of dark chocolate.

    Mmmm, delicioso.

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