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Thread: ignorant to sex?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Eastern Shore, Maryland, USA

    ignorant to sex?

    Hey everyone, I [and my girlfriend] are both seniors in high school... [if that would help answer the question more fully]
    here is my question:
    The other day we were messing around and she was doing "something" in my pants and she kept saying did you cum yet did you cum yet. From that, and other stuff it kinda seemed like she dosen't know all that much about sex. but being a 17 year old girl, I have a strong feeling that she is messing with me. She also said this, "how do you know if you are horny" but that contradicted her from the other day saying, "I dont get that horny sometimes" so obviously knows about stuff, so why would she be messing with me like this, if she is?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Wow, thats a tricky one. Unless she was brougth up in a hole she should know about the generalities of it... but there is a chance she doesn't know. Since she's obviously exploring, you should just talk to her about it, but don't insult her because she could be offended if you ask her if she knows anything about it or not. Just show her what you want her to do. And you can always do stuff to her and actually show her what it means to be horny

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    She might be teasing you, but also may be curious as to how far you want to take the physical part of the relationship.

    Try asking her about it. Be honest with her that she is sending mixed messages. The last thing you want to do is take it to a level she is not comfortable with!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    aww thats so cute next time u see her pinch her cheeks for me =)..anyway it could be that she really doesant know in that case dont make her feel bad about it....just teach it to her,...but if shes messing with ya...then u really need to find out...jsut ask her nicly
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Best to get it out in the open. If she is stringing you along, best to know it sooner than later!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    She is inexperienced. And uncomfortable.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    under your bed
    wtf?..i can't even comprehend this...and it would seem like it would get kinda annoying asking if you've cum yet. tell her that when it happens it's blatantly obvious. anyway, yea you should talk to her. that's just ****ing weird..

    "In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes..." -Andy Warhol

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