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Thread: I Don't Know If This Relationship Would Work

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    I Don't Know If This Relationship Would Work

    Okay, first, I never really had a boyfriend before, because I was never really interested in it. Growing up is complicated enough without having to deal with relationship troubles. So the guys that did ask me out, I gently turned down by effectively getting them together with my friends (this has happened three times). I'm not sure why though. It was either that I didn't feel like I 'liked' them, or I was just too nervous about getting into a relationship, which makes me think I have some sort of a problem with these kinds of things, haha.

    Currently, there's this guy that likes me (I showed interest in him at first, but now it's faded). And he asked me out, but I'm sort of postponing it for a while (partially because I'm really busy lately). And he's nice, and we're interested in the same things, like filmmaking and theatre and stuff. But the problem is, I don't think he's really that funny, or at all funny.

    But he laughs at things I say, which is nice. I always like making people laugh, but I also really enjoy laughing myself. I hadn't really thought about it for a relationship, but making me laugh is probably at or near the top of my list. Thinking this over even more, pretty much every guy I've liked in the past has always been funny to me. And I actually get kind of bored talking to this guy.

    So, does this sound like a relationship that would last? Should I go for it? I'd appreciate any feedback.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    You should first have a clear idea what you wants in your guy. If its just because of humour you want to chuck him who is ncie,decent and caring towards you out of your life, then you might loose a pearl in life for sure.

    It is your life, design it ina way that you will not regret in future.,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Yeah, I don't want to regret this if it turns out he wouldn't have been 'the one' or 'a one', at least. But I just keep coming back to the fact I get bored while talking to him.

    He's tried to be funny, but maybe he's just nervous, and I get bored. But I've known him for a little over a month now, so do you think he'll become more interesting to me in more time?

    And thank you for your response, by the way. =)

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