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Thread: Help with a choice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Help with a choice

    Hey everyone, been reading for a while but this is my first post.

    Heres my dilemma. My current gf and I have been going out for about 10 months. We were friends for a while before we started going out. About 6 months ago I met another girl (lets call her girl b) working at a summer camp, and we really hit it off. My gf was working at the same camp, and by the end we both noticed girl b flirted with me and my gf thought it was funny. Fast froward to about 4 months ago, back at college and my gf and I are having a rough spot. Girl B goes to the school now, and her and I still hang out, just as friends. The gf and I go through a pretty rough spot where we stop seeing each other for about 3 weeks. During this time, Girl B is really there for me as a friend, and i start falling for her ever so slightly, but she shoots me down, saying her and I are just friends. My gf and I get back together, after sort out our differences, but coming back from christmas vacation, things seem different. We start going through another rough spot, and out of the blue girl B comes to me saying it was a mistake telling me we were just friends, and that she likes me. Thats pretty much where I am now, with a gf I'm having trouble with, another girl saying she likes me, and I'm pretty confused. My gf is my first serious relationship, and breaking up with her seems like something where I would loose so much. Also their is always that nagging voice saying I will regret it. At the same time things aren't really getting any better between us, however I know that she wont break up with me, and even though its bad, I know she will be hurt if we break up. My friends say I'm too nice, and maybe I am, but I really hate to know I caused anyone pain. The advice i have been given so far is that if I'm considering breaking up with my gf, maybe its time to move on. However I would like a second opinion, and really appreciate any help. Thanks, if you need any more info, ill do my best.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Austin, TX
    To me... it sounds like your heart is not in the relationship, and you should move on. Regardless of what your reasoning is... if you are truly wanting to move away from the relationship, then thats all you have to do. I broke up with a pretty serious relationship about 8 months or so, and to be honest, I knew my heart wasnt in the relationship.

    That said, breaking up with your girlfriend because there is another girl lined up is... kinda shitty, especially if thats your only reason (I dont know if it is). Regardless what your reason is, it looks like your heart is not in the relationship, so rather than string your gf along, I believe breaking it off may be the best option.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    hey tea90! Evelyn and Adam here to offer some friendly advice!

    It sounds like you and chick A have run out of steam. Time to find a new lady! Were you born in 1990? Because if so, I think you are a young person that shouldn't concern him(her?)self with a long term relash.

    Overall, have fun. Do what makes you happy--that is, chick B.

    good luck!

    ~Evelyn and Adam

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