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Thread: Pregnancy Doesn't Make You Divine.

  1. #1
    Junket's Avatar
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    Pregnancy Doesn't Make You Divine.


    It's a best-of-craigslist post.

  2. #2
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    Such people are ****ing inconvenient wastes of space...

    Plus they give GOOD parents a bad rep...
    "The weakest soul, knowing its own weakness, and believing this truth that strength can only be developed by effort and practice, will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and, adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will at last grow divinely strong."

    - James Allen

  3. #3
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    It's weird for me to heard people talk about trying to get pregnant (including my friend). They are basically telling me about their sex life. Something I don't want to hear!

    Hahahahaha "Yeah, we get it - You're pregnant. BIG ****ING DEAL. It's not like you went to school for three years and had to take some excruciating multi-day certification. It's not like you saved a Golden Retriever puppy from getting run over by a bus load of Norwegian tourists. It's not like you cured macular degeneration. YOU SPREAD YOUR LEGS AND TOOK A MAN-MUSTARD INJECTION... Wow. Way to go. I am amazed you made it through such a mentally and physically demanding challenge that probably lasted all of 45 seconds (either natural or lab-grown.)"

    ...yes indeed.
    If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. ~ Marilyn Monroe

  4. #4
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    That post was by far THE funniest thing i've read all week...
    "We are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically.
    That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that.
    It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us."
    — Neil deGrasse Tyson

  5. #5
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    Yeah, we get it - You're pregnant. BIG ****ING DEAL. It's not like you went to school for three years and had to take some excruciating multi-day certification. It's not like you saved a Golden Retriever puppy from getting run over by a bus load of Norwegian tourists. It's not like you cured macular degeneration. YOU SPREAD YOUR LEGS AND TOOK A MAN-MUSTARD INJECTION... Wow. Way to go. I am amazed you made it through such a mentally and physically demanding challenge that probably lasted all of 45 seconds (either natural or lab-grown.)

    And now we are suppose to fawn all over you. We are suppose to act like it's so incredibly difficult to get pregnant, and that you are now this pristine chalice of life -Something that deserves to be worshiped and adored.

    Feel sick in the mornings? Do your feet hurt cause they are swelling? Gotta buy new clothes because you are 12 weeks along and have already put on 19 pounds? NOT MY PROBLEM. Do your job like you are suppose to and shut the hell up already.

    …Oh btw - Quit using your pregnancy as an excuse to stuff your gullet each and every chance you get. When you proudly stand up at the staff party and announce that "The baby wants" an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's Super Fudge Chunk, a liter of Dr. Pepper, some curly fries THEN TELL THE BABY TO SHUT THE **** UP.

    Now what exactly do I have to look forward to for the next two or three years..? A constant stream of verbal diarrhea such as "little Bobby went to the toilet and pooped all by himself - But he forgot to wipe and then sat on the floor to pull his pants up! It was so precious, but there was poop everywhere!" or “I'm sorry I'm 40 minutes late, you see I have a four-year-old in potty training and we had an accident." or "I don't feel comfortable doing the speed limit, my baby is only two months old - You can go around." **** YOU.

    Two years after that and now I'm stuck behind you at the concession stand - And guess what? You feel it's important to empower your child. It doesn't matter that there are nine people behind you, you want little Bobby to make his own choice when it comes to artificially flavored processed movie snacks. By God, Bobby is special. He must be because that’s what all the Nike commercials say. There is only one Bobby and he is different from every other person on this earth. He is special by God, and he will be raised knowing he is special. And now, little Bobby has been standing there with his little index finger in his little mouth, staring at all the choices for the last FULL minute. But you aren't the type of parent to acknowledge the fact that many people are waiting for little Bobby to make up his little mind. You don't say something like "Hurry and choose something or I will choose for you" or even better “Other people are waiting, make up your mind” - Not you. Instead, you turn to the sea of humanity that has formed a marginally cohesive line behind you and look at them with an 'I'm sure you all understand' look. **** YOU. You are the same people that just can't put their cell phone conversation on hold for 20 seconds while you order your venti no-whip-half-caff almond latte and spinach croissant - Instead you make eye contact with the waiter and raise that index finger. The index finger which happens to be the international signal for 'I am a socially retarded ****head.'

    One time I saw an interview with Hootie (of the Blowfish), with his wife. It was a lovely 'What does Hootie and his wife do when he's at home and not packing fans into concerts at 20 or 30% of capacity' piece on some lame ass afternoon news biopic show. Anyway Hootie’s wife starts talking about kids and how they are such a miracle and (now she is actually tearing up) and she just can't understand how anyone wouldn't want to have children and HOW SHE JUST FEELS SORRY FOR THOSE PEOPLE. Oh yes honey, feel sorry for us. Obviously we are emotionally fractured because we don't share the same fervent desire to add our particular goo to this world's collective semen cesspool...

    I don't hate children. I hate the parents that think they are entitled because they have children...
    The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness, can be trained to do most things

  6. #6
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    funny? yes.
    absurd? yes.
    The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness, can be trained to do most things

  7. #7
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    I hate the fact that they act like they can't do jack shit...I mean seriously. Stop feeding us BS. There's a lady on our school cycling club and she's about 5 months in and still riding. Of course nothing extremely strenuous but just enough to stay healthy.

    I agree I hate parents that don't control their kids and feel they're entitled to do whatever the **** they want because "they're just kids."

  8. #8
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    Even worse is after, when they use a previous pregnancy as an excuse for them getting fat and being ugly.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  9. #9
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    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExrGTJLc3Ko"]YouTube - pregnantpullups.wmv[/ame]

  10. #10
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    That shit was funny!! LOL

  11. #11
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    Do people always swing their legs that much when they do pull-ups? It looks funny.

  12. #12
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    It's called a "kipping" pull up. It's a common form of pull up for those who do Crossfit. Works more muscles and allows the person to get an extended workout rather than the strenuous arms only pull ups.

  13. #13
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    well that's 25 more pullups than I can do, so kudos to her.

    heh, the craigslist thing was funny. I have a feeling that the person who wrote it works behind the counter at a coffee shop or something..

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiay View Post
    well that's 25 more pullups than I can do, so kudos to her.

    heh, the craigslist thing was funny. I have a feeling that the person who wrote it works behind the counter at a coffee shop or something..
    Haha, me too, I have the measliest, puniest arms ever.

    The other day I got waylaid in a bar by a very drunk girl who wanted to practice her English by talking to me about midwifery. I heard about 600 times "Don't get your baby in a hospital! Get your baby at home, it's natural, it's NO PROBLEM!"
    Didn't really know how to respond.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovesjoyajm View Post
    Haha, me too, I have the measliest, puniest arms ever.

    The other day I got waylaid in a bar by a very drunk girl who wanted to practice her English by talking to me about midwifery. I heard about 600 times "Don't get your baby in a hospital! Get your baby at home, it's natural, it's NO PROBLEM!"
    Didn't really know how to respond.
    Haha, that just made my morning.

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