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Thread: Am I being too clingy??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Am I being too clingy??

    Hi everyone,
    I have been dating this really amazing girl for about a month now. We get along really well and have a wonderful time when we are together. She lives an hour away so we only see each other about two days a week for now and are both pretty busy during the week. She lives with her single female roommate who has been a long time friend.
    I really could not be happier with this girl but there is one thing that is bothering me. It seems like when we are around her roommate and one other female friend that she is more distant with me. Maybe it's just girls being girls and I'm just taking it too much to heart but I feel like I'm not in the room sometimes. It's really bothersome especially since we don't get to see each other much. When we aren't together it seems like she doesn't text me as often when she's with her friend and her texts are really short. I understand not being rude around your friends too and I don't expect her to be texting me constantly but I feel like 4 hours is a long time to go feeling like I'm either being pushed aside or bothering her. I start to text her back less too out of fear of bothering her and I don't know if she picks up on that and is bothered as well. She has mentioned that she thinks her friend is jealous because she is single, so maybe she doesn't want to make her feel uncomfortable or irritate her.
    I guess I just need some advice. Am I being too clingy? Any other time she is always there when I need her and is very good to me. I don't feel like I am settling with her by any means. I just don't know if this is something that I more or less am getting upset over for no reason or a problem that I need to talk to her about. I don't want to talk to her about it if I'm just being unreasonable. I feel like if I bring it up I might push her away or make her feel like she can't spend time with her friends and I don't want either of those things. What do you think?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Langley, BC
    You're only a month in, if you start to come of as needy and clingy then yes, you will push her away. You shouldn't feel like this only a month in, you've just started dating. Expectations should be that unless you're on a date together, no communication is required. If she is out with her friends, let her be out with her friends. You can't expect that she will always be thinking of you. When you are there, if you're hanging out with her roommate, expect that she won't be draping off of you while other people are around, that is just the way it is.

    How old are the two of you?

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