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Thread: completely confused

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    completely confused

    okay... so my name's jonathan, and I am confused. I began going out with a girl... we'll call her emily just during this story... about 3-4 weeks ago. She is awesome, though we never met outside of School, and usually only talk here on myspace. Yesterday she tells me that she wants to "take a break from me" so she can concentrate on her grades and other things, and that she still loves me, because she has trouble thinking about anything but me... this is where the confusion begins. 1) what does she mean by 'take a break'? does it mean we're over... and should I be saddened, or does it mean let's slow down... and I should just be patient? 2) why would her grades be an issue DURING the christmas break, which just started yesterday?

    I asked emily if there was someway that i could help her (knowing that geometry is one of her weak classes, and that i'm very good in that area), so that her grades would improve AND we could be together, spending even more time together than before... but she replied with a rather vague answer, "I don't know".

    I'm beginning to think that the problem isn't that she want to concentrate on grades, but that she doesn't want to think about me because she doesn't think we'll be able to see each other during the holidays... so I'm going to call and talk to her later. I'm kind of hoping that I can talk to her dad about maybe going over and hanging with her every once in a while... to help her study, or to just have fun... because if she does still love me, then she's just as depressed as I am... and there's no way she'll be able to concentrate on grades if she's depressed.

    Just give me advice as to how to go about this, and what else you think I should do...as quickly as possible, truth be told, i'm not a patient person... thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Haven't posted on here in a while, so I have no idea how good my advice will be... So, I think that you really need to practice patience in this situation. What good will it do you to start bugging her or talking to her dad? In my experience, when a girl says that she wants a break, it's because she wants a break. Asking a ton of questions or not respecting her boundaries is really not a great way of getting her back. You obviously care about her, so if anything, maybe just call to say, "Hi" and see what she's been up to. Hope this helps. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Rosebud's Avatar
    Rosebud is offline Love Gurus
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    Yes, if you keep pushing the fact of ways to be together you will completely push her away. It sounds like she has possibly lost interest in the relationship. And the grades are just a lame excuse. I would back off completely, and let her make the phone calls and instigate contact. After only 3-4 weeks, you don't need to be dealing with this...I would back off completely and let her make contact if she wants too, if she doesn't within a couple days then forget about her..It's not worth the time an energy to you after only knowing this person for a couple of weeks.
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

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