Hello (again)

So I'm maybe just here to vent. I think in a few days I'll have processed it and my problem won't be annoying me anymore, but for now it is bothering me. I'm with my bf for 2 years. We're long distance. We have/had a very good relationship with little arguements and disagreements. So I was a bit shocked (only a bit, because I had wondered why he didn't seem as loving as usual with me) when he told me last time I saw him, that he had been doubting whether he wanted to be with me and if it was us that he wanted. But he proceeded to tell me that he had chosen me and assumed to be with me in the future. We talked a bit about it and I believed what he said. Still, that he felt like that for 1.5 months without telling me and that he had those thoughts make me a bit wary.
We're different people. Where as he likes to go out partying and spends a lot of time with his friends, I'm more of an introvert who is happy to sit at home on a weekend reading a book - but also can let loose at a party every now and then. I have only briefly during the first 6 months of the relationship had a little bit of a problem with jealousy but nothing since then. I have trusted him and never stopped him from going out or having fun. Now I feel I'm getting that jealousy feeling back because I know it has bothered him a bit that he doesn't have a lot of sexual experience - and with those thoughts.

So this week there has been a 3-day long town celebration in his home town where he has gone to party and have fun with his friends. He only left me a short offline message one day (but this is nothing unusual when he's busy) and then he phones me at 3am the 3rd night. It was all cute and very nice and I enjoyed hearing from him. He asked me how I had been and as I didn't want to pretend I had been a-okay, I said I had been feeling a little jealous. He told me not to worry, that he had only held hands with 2 female friends of his and hugged everybody. He said they had held hands for fun, then it became weird and they stopped again.

Well, I'm maybe a bit of a weird person and I don't enjoy physical encounters with friends besides the greeting/goodbye hugging. I know other people are different and respect that. However he has never done anything like this when I have been partying with him and his friends (to the female friends). So I suspect that him running around town merging fingers with two female friends who he is not close friends with, is something he wouldn't do if I was there. The "it felt weird and we stopped" I think is because he usually doesn't do it and it's too intimate a thing to do with two girls and he knows it's not completely right.. Or what?

My problem is he says it's normal behaviour for him, but it's clearly not when I'm around and isn't that because he thinks it's slightly inappropriate? I never knew he did this.So yeah I'm probably overreacting, but in the light of how things between us seem a little rocky atm, I think he sends the wrong signals by doing this. Atleast he told me, eh?

Thank you if you read that!