i broke up with my boyfriend of monday after finding out he cheated on the on the fri..before i left his that mon night to go home after finishing it he kept sayin sorry and tht he loves me..

i told him we could meet up and talk but he kept puttin it off so i said what i wanted to say through text and he said he wasnt ready for a serious relationship that he did love me..i didnt treat him to well and was always moody..but we was together a year so when he said he wasnt ready after i said i wanted to try and give it another go cos i was a bi*ch to him thats what he said to me :/ i cant figure it out..why be with me for a year if he wasnt ready

bearing in mind when we first met he literally begged me to commit to him cos we started off seein each other..cos i had trust issues i wasnt ready and he went on and on about how he felt about me and he even spoke bout moving in together. so i dnt understand where all this has come from. i do love him and feel so lost without him..i know the feeling will fade but i know what he said isnt the real reason

what do you think?