Okay, this may be a bit of a long story but I would really appreciate some advice

My ex and I broke up about 5 months ago or so, the reason being is that she said I lacked ambition and took her for granted (and after months of self analysis, she was right!). I was distraught as there were no warning signs beforehand and I am truly in love with her. For the following 6 weeks or so after the break-up we were in contact almost daily. The majority of the time I would message her, however, whenever she would get drunk she would phone me and we would talk. We had a fight one night and we both cut off all contact from each other (this was in April). I went about 40 days without contacting her at all until she added me back on social media sites and messaged me one night. Again, we spoke for a couple of weeks until I was drunk one night and poured my heart out to her (I'm gonna change, please take me back I love you blah, blah, blah) and that scared her off and stopped talking to me again.

Fast forward to a month ago and a friend and I went to a nightclub to meet some people we used to work with, when I arrived my ex was there as we worked together also. I didn't know she was going and I was quite taken back. Things were quite frosty between us and she threw a few underhanded insults at me, however, she would hold my hand and escort me to the bar, ask me to take her shoes off because her feet were hurting, etc. and at the end of the night we shared a taxi together as we both live in the same area. On the taxi drive home she asked me if I'd been dating and I said I'd been on one date but it didn't work out.

3 weeks ago she messaged me on a Wednesday night saying that she'd seen my mum's ex boyfriend in a bar when she was on a date. I'm almost certain that the only reason she told me that is to tell me that she was on a date. I replied by saying I appreciate you telling me, but I would rather not know about your dating life because I've still got feelings. Late the next evening she phoned me out of the blue, she asked me about my date and then told me about hers and that she wasn't going to follow up as they had no chemistry. We was on the phone for around 2 hours and I went to sleep feeling great.

Since that night we've been in contact almost every single day, usually with her messaging me first. We talk about everything, reminiscing about our relationship, talking about our mutual friends, talking about our personal lives and plans, etc. She's phoned me a couple of times and even fell asleep whilst on the phone to me. However, today she messaged me as she usually does and in the middle of the conversation I asked if she has friendzoned me and her exact reply was "I friendzoned you in February, sorry". I was completely taken back. She then followed up by saying "I thought we had an understanding that I don't see you that way anymore" This is complete nonsense as I've always told her how I actually feel.

Now, this may seem straight forward that she's not interested in a relationship, however, she has been sending me mixed signals for weeks... For example, one evening when she was drunk she messaged me "I found it really easy to love you, why can't other guys be like you", or "I only attract short guys, why can't they all be as tall or funny as you". She also shows signs of jealousy, for example I posted on social media that I was in a restaurant and she immediately messaged me asking what restaurant I was in and who with. At the weekend she sent me a picture of her in a dress and wanted my opinion, she then said that she would wear something underneath so it wouldn't be so revealing as she knows I don't approve. The last example is I liked one of our mutual friends photos who is a girl and my ex instantly told me to unlike it.

Now I know this has been a long story but I am really confused... If she really sees no romantic future between us, why does she keep getting in touch knowing full well how I feel? Ultimately I would love to get out of the friendzone but she's already caused me so much heartbreak I'm not sure what to do.

What are your guys thoughts? Any opinion/advice is greatly appreciated.
