So, some of you on here may remember me mentioning the man that I joined to originally get advice about... :S Just to refresh your memory if you've forgotten, he's the push-pull type where he pursued me for a while and then gradually distanced himself till he got a boyfriend behind my back. And then he tried making me jealous by posting tons of crap about them on his Facebook, knowing how deeply I feel about him still. And then he was back for a while as a friend after they broke up, stood me up at my Prom, etc etc... Yeah- very one sided friendship of three years. :S Very trite situation, and now he's deleted me from Facebook.

I know it's really ridiculous to get yourself down over, but I have really, truly deep feelings for him. And I have no answer, really, for why I kept him on Facebook when I knew it was self-torture. I tend to be the doormat for guys to wipe their feet on, and I know I have confidence/self esteem issues. I just tend to try to hide it. And I'm not really sure what I can do about correcting those issues and eventually how I can one day attract the kind of guy that is really my type. I absolutely hate it like this...and I'm always at a loss for trying to solve this.

Thank you to anyone who responds, and sorry about the length. :S