So there is this girl I work with. We used to be best friends and at one point we both liked each other a lot. However we never got together and she moved on. I told her recently how i truly felt because i am full of so much regret for never telling her when it truly mattered. It did'nt go very well.. She said she cant force feeling that arent there anymore. I know she liked me a lot and i just cant get over it. She was my best friend and i feel like ive destroyed our friendship by avoiding her for so long. Ive avoided her for months but i just had to tell her recently because of the regret i have. The regret I feel for never doing anything about how I felt is one of the worst things i have ever felt in my life. She trys to be my friend still, and even before i told her. I know that if it could somehow go back to how it was and i could be normal again that feelings would come back. I just havent been able to be myslelf around her for the longest time and it sucks. I just miss her a lot and i miss bieng really close with her. I know i need to move on but i dont want to. I keep giving myslelf hope and i just wish i didnt feel this way about her. Can feeling ever come back. I dont know..