Kinda complex, well known this girl for over a year now, started out texting each other after one of her girlfriends got my number for her, after 3 month of texting I found the balls to tell her I liked her, she said she wasn't looking for anything, but was flattered. So I thought fair enough, move on.

Except she kept texting me, things picked up alot, for the last 5 months I think there has been less than 4 days when we haven't texted each other. I was out one night, I was meant to be clubbing with friends but she asked me to go the bar she was at so I did, spent most the night with her, went to see my friends but she kept texting me to go see her. Eventually I did and we ended up back at hers sharing a bed, alittle bit of cuddleing going on but no sex. Following few days where awkward but it sorted itself out.

couple month later I asked her to go out somtime, she said yes and seemed excited, so we went out had a great time and things were looking great. However afew days after things went downhill, she stopped talking, day went past no text, so I asked what was up, we started talking again and but it wasn't the same, if x's on texts mean anything then this was a bad sign, used to be xxxx but after her little mood over what I still don't know it went to xxx. Anyway she was out for her birthday and she said she come see me at work (bar) she did and her friend said , so this is (my name) and she said yea, the her friend got a camera out and took a picture of them two then tried to get a picture with me ad the girl but she didn't seem to want to but her friend pushed her next to me and we put our arms around each other and got a pic, her friend looked at the pic and went ''awwww''.

I asked her to go out on the weekend and she again agreed, didn't seem excited though, time came and she had an excuse not to meet up, I can't tell if it was genuin or if she was saying it to not meet up. Anyway since then I wasn't happy and we stopped texting throughout the day. Eventually I texted her but I didn't bother with the xxx she replied and left xx I replid again but she never replied and to date that is the current situation. I'd figured that she just see's me as a friend and so the xxx thing wouldn't matter anymore.

We've had, in my opinion, a more than friend type relationship, if she doesn't like me why did she go out just the two of us the first time and agree the second time ? If her reason for not meeting up the second time was genuine why did she not try and arrange another time ?

If she isn't interested why come see me at work on her birthday and why did her friend say this must be (my name) if she hasn't talked about me and make her get a pic with me ?

I'm fine with whatever outcome as long as i know one way or another.

She is a self proclaimed 'shy' girl and she is very closed up on her emotions and feelings unless its anger. Girls what from your own experience do you think she wants ? Why would you act like this if you ever have.