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Thread: i feel dumb for this, but i need advice please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    i feel dumb for this, but i need advice please

    ok, so basically at my job we recently got some new hires on our crew of people, and one of the new hires happens to be this girl, and shes been on my crew for a while now, and here's the thing, i dont get attached to women easily at all whatsoever, i had a relationship before and she did me very very dirty and ever since its been different towards women for me, and i dont know what it is about this girl, but she seriously sweeps me off my own 2 feet every single night at work, now im almost 22 and im pretty sure i got a good idea on what my dreamgirl is, and she literally has it all going for her, she seriously makes me melt every night, idk what exactly it is, but she drives me nuts and i really really like her alot, but here's the downfall, she flirts with me and always wants to be around me at work and is obviously showing signs of being into me as well, BUT... she has a boyfriend that shes been dating for 2 years, and she just moved down here from very far away and he still lives there, she never talks about him, i didnt even know she had a boyfriend until a few nights ago, but i woulda never guessed by the way she acts towards me, shes obviously super into me, and im damn sure super into her, she amazes me, shes so perfect in my eyes its pathetic, ive felt things ive never felt before for girls before, but this one is wayyyyy different, i have literally NEVVVVVEEERRRRR felt the way about a girl as i do this one, and it mind boggles me alot because i dont even know her that well, just the nights we have spent together at work have been amazing in every way to me, and she has everything i could want in a girl completely, she is beautiful, she is extremely intellegent, and she has alot going for her, shes going to school and is making something of it, ive never admired a girl so much in my life, im almost 22, shes 19, she has an 18 year old boyfriend who is graduating highschool next year, idk if maybe shes just looking for something new, maybe something better for her, i have no idea what kind of relationship they have because she never talks about him, should i keep talking to her everynight and hope something good comes from it, or should i just stop before i get ahead of myself? either way, she hasnt left my mind and probably wont anytime soon, so advice on this? idk what it is, the feeling she gives me is CRAZY, i dont believe in love at first site, but i damn sure am pretty damn sprung and cant even help it, its definetly the closest thing to love at first site ive ever experienced forsure

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Surrey, BC
    She is not married so she is fair game dude. She doesn't mention a BF because she really likes you and doesn't want to spoil her chances with you....for sure she has her eye on you. Start hanging out with her and let her get emotionally attached to you, but DO NOT get physical with her. If she tries to, you tell her you can't bc she has a BF. Don't worry, in time she will make herself single because she wants you bad. I bet money on it she is already thinking about dumping him.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Sucks for him, but the way you describe it is definitely as love and not lust. I say go for it! Good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    moms basement
    Quote Originally Posted by smackie9 View Post
    She is not married so she is fair game dude. She doesn't mention a BF because she really likes you and doesn't want to spoil her chances with you....for sure she has her eye on you. Start hanging out with her and let her get emotionally attached to you, but DO NOT get physical with her. If she tries to, you tell her you can't bc she has a BF. Don't worry, in time she will make herself single because she wants you bad. I bet money on it she is already thinking about dumping him.
    What? lol. "If she tries to get physical, tell her no cause she has a bf"?
    Worst advice ever. If she wants it and he says no, he could regret it for the rest of his life. Maybe she just wants some action because her bf is so far away. If she puts it on a plate only a crazy or a gay would say no. You can worry about all the other bullshit after the dirty deed. In my experience you should take it when offered otherwise its just rude.

  5. #5
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    Well you give into a girl, she will enjoy having both guys, but if he can handle it then enjoy the fun. Girls brains work differently, they desire more what they can't have, so if you make yourself less available to them they chase you even harder. Guys make the mistake of diving right in there and getting all eager to please her, she will lose interest real fast, or be uncertain as to what his intentions are and start saying lets take it slow blah blah blah, then she gets all weird bc she still loves her BF blah blah blah and she doesn't make up her bloody mind. There have been a lot of guys on here in that position and can't get out of it. The trick is, is to have the control, and not let her have it or things get f ucked up.

  6. #6
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    I'm not saying push her away and tell her forget it. You have to play the game right, by showing some resistance, give her a little taste of some attention to let her know you desire her, and then show some resistance again...the push and pull method pick up crap. Anywho best of luck.

  7. #7
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    I asked a friend of mine who was in the position of the BF. He says that if she cheats on her BF, she will possibly cheat on you. Also, you may not be the only one she has eyes for, she could be wanting the attention of many guys than you don't know about. If she is willing to cheat, she is not worthy of your love for her, and she is a s lut. Now mwahahaha is a guy that has very little emotional attachment to most women, and it's all about getting sex, which is fine if sex is all you care about, but if you are wanting a loving relationship, jumping into the sac isn't the way to get it.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by smackie9 View Post
    I asked a friend of mine who was in the position of the BF. He says that if she cheats on her BF, she will possibly cheat on you. Also, you may not be the only one she has eyes for, she could be wanting the attention of many guys than you don't know about. If she is willing to cheat, she is not worthy of your love for her, and she is a s lut. Now mwahahaha is a guy that has very little emotional attachment to most women, and it's all about getting sex, which is fine if sex is all you care about, but if you are wanting a loving relationship, jumping into the sac isn't the way to get it.
    You watch too much oprah, emotional attatchment, lol. Behave. Theres a time to play hard to get, but doing that is risky for many reasons. If a woman offers you your hole, you should never look a gift horse in the mouth. You can sort out the details after.
    Youre right about womens brains working differntly though, most are borderline psychos. Get in and get out before the shite hits the fan.

  9. #9
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    uh I don't watch Oprah or Dr.Phil or another trash talk show or reality TV. Your perspective and his perspective are totally different. he is looking for love you don't.

  10. #10
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    Where does it say that hes looking for love? This little gayboy is looking for the same thing as all men. Where i come from, the men that say they are looking for love are laughed at and are later revealed as bum boys. Maybe you should watch some oprah, because im sure even she would tell him to stop fannying about and get stuck in. If he doesnt some other dude will ne hanging out the back of her very shortly. Life isnt lived in some romantic novel from the 30`s. Todays modern woman wants just as much fun as men. Please stop trying to brainwash all these pour souls that women want romance and all that shite. Those days are over, fortunately.

  11. #11
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    OMG really do I have to point everything out? He quoted : idk what it is, the feeling she gives me is CRAZY, i dont believe in love at first site, but i damn sure am pretty damn sprung and cant even help it, its definetly the closest thing to love at first site ive ever experienced forsure .

    It's obvious he isn't looking for a hole to just stick his dick into, this guy shows he has genuine feelings for her....sorry dude but not all guys look at women as a piece of meat.

    You are a product of your own environment. It's no wonder girls get so called psycho on you, It's because of the way you treat them. Maybe if you have some respect, you would get better results. But you obviously feel you have to stick with your ways to get sex from the vulnerable....well good on you........ you have to get sex anyway you possibly can am I right? You must really hate women.

  12. #12
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    And ya I did point out in my other post that there is a possibility she is looking for nothing but to have fun on the side being away from the BF, that she is willing to cheat. F uck do you not read anything? You have tunnel vision or something. Don't kid yourself there is a lot of girls out there that still have that fairytail romance shit so far up their ass, to the point they can't think clearly. And yes for sure women do have a choice to "play around" or get serious. Funny thing most that I know do want a steady relationship. Maybe if you stop hanging around in clubs where sluts are looking for a quick in and out after some shlep buys them a ton of drinks, to get out into the real world and see that there are people out there that do have some self respect.

  13. #13
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    BTW I worked in a night club for 4 years, and well there is nothing new under the sun my dear. Waitresses were blowin guys in the can and girls were getting banged in the parking lot. People were sluttin it up in the 1920's and 1930's during prohibition at the speak easys.......maybe you should do a little reading on some history because there is nothing modern about promiscuity.

  14. #14
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    Christ, take a breath. Ive not got time to go reading books about the history of slutty women in the 30s. Im only half way through a book on genetics i was advised to read by a bra burner similar to yourself. Makes no difference to me if this dude wants to take your advice or mine. My way he gets his hole tomorrow, your way he might get a feel of a tit in 6 weeks or so. His choice.
    As for your assumption that i get sex of vulnerable women, i wish. Im such an arrogant asshole these days that i cant even get a blowy off a hooker.

  15. #15
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    LOL! I'm no bra burner. I love my sex bras ty very much. If you can't get a blowy from a hooker then that goes to show you, you need to change your attitude.

    I know where this dude's mindset is at so that is why I proceed with the type of advice I give him you numb nut. If he was looking to just pork her my advice would be totally different.

    Don't bother with the book on genetic, I will tell you what the ending is.....the world is in trouble because you are part of the gene pool.

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