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Thread: Whats my next move?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Whats my next move?

    A few weeks ago, i met this really truly nice girl. A girl that i have such an unbelievable amount in common with. We have the same personality, sense of humor, and ethinicty (which is not very common at all). We were meeting on campus for a week and half or so, and we really started getting closer. In fact, we even found out that our her parents know my dad well, and they grew up on the same block in their birthplace. Last weekend, my grandmother passed away, and i was talking to her about for a long while, she was really there for me. Also, her father is really really sick at the moment, and i knew of this, and we were discussin that as well. During this convo, she was saying things about how she cant talk to anyone usually about her dad, but she feels that she can talk to me, and she feels comfortable with me. Im thinkin great, then she says, we should meet up this week at some point when u get back to school, we should just sit and talk about everything going on, her dad, my grandma, etc. I said yes, and we left it that. That wa son monday night, then i called tuesday night because i was going to be back on wedsnday, no answer. I called again on wendsday morning (thats usually when we meet up) no answser. Finally on friday me and some friends were going to go out, i call on thursday, no answer. At that point i pretty much gave up, and was truly confused. Then on monday, she runs into my best friend, and him being the great friend he is, asks her if she has beent talking to me, she said, no, i got his calls, and ive just been real busy, i feel soo bad. Later that day, i run into her, and she was in a rush to go to class (i unluckily wa son cell phone). Im like hey stranger, she said hey, long time no see, she is like i know, im like you get my calls, she said, yeah ive just been busy. That wa son monday, and i just decided not to call her anymore and see what happens, what should my next move be?

    How can a girl go from being supposedly very interested to not even answering a call, and i know very well that you dont call a girl too much, but we planned on meeting, so thats why i needed to get in touch with her, it wasnt stalkerish at all. What do i do now?? PLease help me? I mean after knowin this gurl for only a week and a half, i feel like itd be tragic to just let her slip through, when we were talking, i really felt like our relationship had potential, apprently she did as well, but what the hell?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Calgary, AB, CA
    You are not alone. I've had this happen to me several times. (Did I just stupidly reveal how pitiful my love life is? >_>)
    Here is what you should do...nothing. If she HAS decided to ignore you, it may not have anything to do with YOU at all! Something might have happened in her private life that made her reconsider. You never know. It could have been something as simple as her goldfish dying. *shrugs* Girls are like that sometimes.
    The worst thing you could possibly do is annoy her by getting obsessed. So just relax, be a good friend, be available without being pushy. She'll either come around, or she won't.
    OR...this just occured to me after reading another post...you could do the exact opposite. You could get REALLY pushy, but in a charismatic, lift-her-spirits kinda way. Only attempt if you are an experienced player or can speed seduce a girl in under 20 minutes. >_>

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