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Thread: Where do I stand with this girl? Did I blow my chance?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Where do I stand with this girl? Did I blow my chance?

    Did i blow my chance with this girl?
    so i met a girl on a dating site about 4 months ago. we talked on there for a few months then we added each other on facebook and talked on there.

    We got to know each other quite a bit by talking and I decided to ask if she wanted to go do something. We decided on miniature golf.

    We went and had a fun time. She was shy, but got more comfortable as I kept talking to her.

    When we got done and were leaving she gave me a hug and said it was nice meeting you. i agreed and asked if she would want to go bowling the next weekend. she said yes i think we should and i said is it a date then? she said yes.

    then I jumped the gun and made a mistake. I asked "should we make it official then?"
    Now by this I meant to say, where does she see us at? She wasnt sure what I meant and I aske dif she saw this as a date and she said she thought I just wanted to meet her. I said yes I did and apologized for asking that and she said its ok and gave me another hug. we both said we will see how it goes next time.

    when i got home the night i texted her saying i had alot of fun and it was nice meeting her and we will have to do something again sooon and she agreed and said we will have to hang out again soon.

    im afraid i ble w my chance when i asked "if we are official". i did not want to look clingy or desperate.

    we have talked since that day so part of me feels like she didnt see it as a big deal.

    so heres my questions

    1)where do you think we are at? just getting to know each other?
    2)did i blow my chance at dating her aksing that??
    3)is she interested at all?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Seattle WA
    She seems interested if she hugs you. If I had a crappy time I wouldnt hug the guy :/
    You didnt blow your chance by saying that but for your own good refrain from that kind of talk on the next few dates! I mean, I dont even need to say why that was a stupid, you already know.

    Stop trying to jump the gun with this girl, talking online is a different relationship than hanging out in person, and in person you have JUST met her so you are under the "dont really know too well" category. If the next few dates go well it may bump you to "friend" or "potential bf". Trying to jump straight to "potential bf" by saying stupid things like being official will completely kill your chances of seeing this girl again and give off a psycho Im-desperate-to-be-your-bf-I-love-you vibe.
    Sounds like she liked you enough to give you one free pass.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by bloodtippedrose View Post
    She seems interested if she hugs you. If I had a crappy time I wouldnt hug the guy :/
    You didnt blow your chance by saying that but for your own good refrain from that kind of talk on the next few dates! I mean, I dont even need to say why that was a stupid, you already know.

    Stop trying to jump the gun with this girl, talking online is a different relationship than hanging out in person, and in person you have JUST met her so you are under the "dont really know too well" category. If the next few dates go well it may bump you to "friend" or "potential bf". Trying to jump straight to "potential bf" by saying stupid things like being official will completely kill your chances of seeing this girl again and give off a psycho Im-desperate-to-be-your-bf-I-love-you vibe.
    Sounds like she liked you enough to give you one free pass.

    yea. i didnt mean it in a boyfriend/girlfriend way. i wa strying to see where she saw us at and i screwed up.

    thankfully it didnt seem to bother her to much since she hugged me right after i said it and apoligized and since she has talked to me sinc ethat day

    maybe she found it cute in a way ha

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Seattle WA
    Well it sounds like its working out nicely so props to you.
    Its good to always be honest about your intentions with a relationship, but saying anything too soon could scare her off.
    Its not unfair to define where a relationship is, you'll probably feel when its right to ask this. Maybe the fourthish date? If you wait too long you could get friend-zoned...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    No, you didn't blow it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Thanks for the answers! Hope it goes well

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