First post and it's a bit of a doozy lol. OK, short and simple:
I met a woman that I am head over heals for. It was really intense for a short time, but she stated early on that she wasn't ready for it ("scared" was how she put it). So, a short while later I got the "friend" bomb, and it didn't feel too great. I'd of thought by this point in my life (mid-30's), I'd be able to get over it easily; however, this is the first woman in close to a decade that I have felt like this about. Anyway, at first I turned down the whole friend idea, and I was quickly approached by her friend, who told me that she was hurting over the whole issue. When I initially saw her out, I just ignored her since my feelings had been hurt. She did look hurt though and still does.
I decided to move past the hurt thing and genuinely attempt to just deal with her on a friendly basis when I see her out. However, she seems distant even though she said she wanted to be friends and she ended it. I notice her watching to see whom I talk with when we run across one another, and I want to at least keep friendly relations (i.e., not act like total strangers when I see her), but now I'm not so sure what to think. Obviously, I'm hoping that if there was anything to us (and it felt like there was), then relating to her as a friend might open the door to revisiting the romance later on. Basically, I need to know if I'm just being delusional here, and if not then why is she acting so hurt and distant when I do come across her? Thanks in advance for any advice.