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Thread: Should I give love a chance? Or walk away?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Should I give love a chance? Or walk away?

    My situation is a bit complicated..but Im sure not unheard of! In a nutshell, the past 3 years of my life I have been with a really wonderful man that I thought was my soulmate. We were engaged with our wedding just a few months away..everything paid for. Well, my "soulmate" has a drinking problem that about 2 months ago caused me to have to make the hardest decision of my life and walk away from him. Im very heartbroken. We had some issues besides his drinking..one of them being that I seemed to always be giving up everything for him while he wouldnt give an inch for me. Example, everything to him is about the volunteer fire dept and it doesnt matter what I would want to do as a job or where Id like to live. Its always been about him and his dreams to become a firefighter and hanging with the good 'ol boys at the fire house drinking himself into a stupor and leaving me sit at home alone. Well anyway to try and make a really long story short, I vowed I was gonna stay single for a long time before I got involved with someone else. Ive been packing up our apt by myself since he left and plan on moving to my home state of PA to be with my family until I get my life back in order after this breakup. So meanwhile, about a month ago I met someone at work. I found out that he always really liked me since the day he saw me but knew I had someone so he never tried to talk to me. After the breakup, I started noticing HIM. Kinda one of those "Wow I cant believe I cant stop thinking about him.." kinda thing. So one day I got up the courage to talk to him and we have pretty much been inseperable since. He seems to be everything Ive always wanted. He's kind and sweet. He cooks for me (Ive never had that!!) he's incredibly romantic (love it!) and Im just completely smitten! His friends have all told me he has loved me since the day he saw me (aww..even in the crummy factory I work at wearing a hairnet and ugly safety glasses lol). So Im finding myself just totally falling for this guy. There are a few issues though. one being that Im still not over my ex, another being that he is quite a bit younger than me (Im 27 he's 22) and theres also a bit of a language barrier (He knows limited english and I know no spanish!) and the last, my ex HATES me for liking him!! So it seems a lot is against me..but I cant help how I feel! This guy I have no doubt cares very deeply for me. My mom even met him last weekend and told me "wow this guy would do anything for you". He's even willing to work 2 jobs for a few months just to save up enough money to be able to move wherever I go just to be with me, which is something my ex never would have done. So I KNOW its really soon and moving faster than I would have liked, but should I seriously not give this guy a chance just cause Im not quite ready?? What if he's the one Im meant to be with? He wants all the same things as me..he seems really wonderful. Im just sort of at a loss. My head and my heart are telling me two different things. And I know it hasnt been long and we are still getting to know eachother. Any advice from anyone? If he's willing to sacrifice everything and move to PA to be with me in a couple months, should I let him?? What to do... Thanks!
    Last edited by sarahniccole; 22-05-11 at 07:19 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    This new relationship really seems like something to definitely pursue! Your ex sounds like a lazy and selfish guy, and you have 3 years of proof of that. My advice to you is to take it slow with the new guy, and get to know him, and forget about your loser ex! Of course he will be jealous, and he might even try to make you promises and tell you what you want to hear to get you back. He might even try to manipulate you into thinking everything was your fault. I know a lot of guys like that (and I am a guy myself).

    This new guy is romantic, cooks for you, etc.. sounds great. I would go after it, but take it slow and enjoy yourselves!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    If he's willing to sacrifice everything and move to be with you, you should ABSOLUTELY give it a chance. Is he your soulmate? Only you can answer that. If you fly to him like an arrow springs from a bow, if you can wed him without hesitation, it's quite possible he's the one. If not... I'd wait and see.

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