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Thread: Is it time to move on?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Is it time to move on?

    Been seeing this girl for a little over a month. Been talking everyday since. We go out to dinner,stay the night at each others houses, etc. Both are 21. Called me her baby, her guy twin, and talked about a future with me. Anyways, Friday I stayed the night at her house and met her roommate (which she was nervous for). It went great and she said she loved that he liked me.

    She worked the next morning, and throughout the day was short with me saying she was tired/grumpy because of no sleep. I then (to my deepest regret) sort of snapped on her, saying "its fine youre grumpy, but if you are going to keep being short with me, i just wont respond to you anymore." she then replied by saying "i do not do threats, nice talking to you."

    So Saturday night and Sunday morning, I texted her 5 times, the last two texts basically saying "if you want to move on, let me know, im sorry" and i also called her 4-5 times between those two days. She never answered. Clearly ignoring me.

    This morning, I came to the conclusion that she blocked my number (since she never answered and her texts didnt say "read") so I messaged her on twitter saying "I think u blocked my number, just know again I am sorry, and if you want to move on, let me know, I just need to get my clothes back)

    She then texted me later saying this: "Im in class all day. And no I didn't block your number, I just wasn't ready to reply. But either way, I can get you, I'll get you your clothes back."

    I replied back saying: "okay cool. did u want to talk about all of this or would you rather we just go different ways."

    She read it at 5pm, and still has not responded up to this point.

    So basically, I believe I messed up big time. I really like and care for this girl, and she warned me in the past to not treat her bad because of past relationships that she was mistreated in.

    I have apologized and I do not know if I should move on or not. The thing I realized is, I asked her about 4 messages in a row if she wants to move on. She never said she did, but she also said she didn't.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    She clearly is confused right now on whether to take you back or not. There is a good 50 percent chance that she wants you back. But man -- you have to win her AGAIN, and texting or calling her is not enough. She got to see some effort. Some strain of muscle from you. How will she know if you really are worth of a second chance if she can't see that you deserve one?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Cases&Coffee View Post

    She clearly is confused right now on whether to take you back or not. There is a good 50 percent chance that she wants you back. But man -- you have to win her AGAIN, and texting or calling her is not enough. She got to see some effort. Some strain of muscle from you. How will she know if you really are worth of a second chance if she can't see that you deserve one?
    So what do you suggest I do?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by ttee View Post
    So what do you suggest I do?
    Best thing is TALK TO HER IN PERSON. I know technology's been helpful to humanity and all, but she has to see some bloody effort from you.

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