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Thread: Insight on this immature conversation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Insight on this immature conversation

    TELL ME WHAT DO YOU HONESTLY THINK .( i know this is not a normal nor healthy converstation its on texts ) lil run down on the situation

    Myself and current Ex bf have been talking pretty much every day text sometimes phone converstations casual sometimes flirting. This is what our last text converstation went ..

    ( arent together bc of not being able to have normal realtionship phone financial he knew this getting into this with me and now 15 months later not much has changed on my behalfand things looking down for him as well so here i am )

    HIM :Good afternoon i hope all is well with u and ur enjoying ur day mwah

    Me :good afternoon i hope all is well with you and your enjoying your day and i hope u had a great time last night

    Him :How was ur night mine was ok

    ME:i stood home what did u do

    Him:Went out on my block then went home

    ME: cool well enjoy your day thanks for taking out time have fun whatever you do tonight bye

    HIm:Cool?Dude was is ur issue?U know what i dont have to explain nothing i am not married have a great day and weekend

    ME: i said cool why u jumping were friends u dont owe me sh*t neither do i u wtf is ur issue dont talk to me that way and u have a better day and weekend

    HIMont talk to u which way?

    HIMude ur mood swings i really dont need

    ME:mood swings i dont know what your problem is look back at the texts ur the one who flipped wtf i thought were friends hope u dont treat ur other friends like thta bc its not accpetable

    HIM:Im not treating u bad at all but i know u well enough when u have a issue dude just do whatever u want

    ME:have a great daymaybe we need a break of even being friends for sometime untill its healthy bc this isnt if u need to talk then reach out otherwise this everyday contact isnt necessary have a wonderful day god bless

    HIM:Im here for u whenever u need me i just dont know why u have a problem if i go to the bar in my neighborhood Ok but how did i insult u?U have a wonderfull and blessed day to

    didnt respond i needed time to think so about 7 hours later and texted him saying this ...

    ME:i dont have a problem with u and going to bars thats who u are_ i didnt have a mood swing i said bye and u flipped out on me which isnt accepetable i dont appreciate it were friends and if me asking u what u did?or u asking me what i did?is something difficult to talk about i dont know what to say i think we should take a break as in talking bc its unhealthyi respect you and if you ever need to talk to me just reach out hope all is well have a wonderful weekend

    he didnt respond so the next day i texted him

    Me :thanks for getting back to me and trying to have a resolution on something i would of thought would be important to you well have a great day

    HIM:Well i would get back but im not in the mood for ur mood swings and games do what u want were friends

    ME:we are friends we have been for the past month and that seems to be hard for u to even have boundaries and respect me as one im trying to be cordial here

    HIM: I do respect u
    date who u want i support u alwaysThen we are friends il go where i want and tell u when u ask thats it

    me:its not about dating i know what i can do lol whatever makes you happy thanks have a great day

    ME:i think i need to do whats best for me and that would be not to talk to u for a while bc this is too confusing for me one day u talk about how u want to see me and vacations then u say that u dont have to tell me this and that wish u could hug me blah blah that isnt fair when we can be friends one day we can be im not going back and forth emtionally were friends but respect right now i need to not speak to u and have my space im sure youll be fine and this is what i generally feel like is what u want good luck

    HIM: If thats what u want then fine u have ur space have a great day im sorry its how it is i wont bother u no more until ur ready

    ME:yeah thats how u made it and thats how it is thank you bye

    HIM:I didnt make anything were just not in a position to have a normal relationship u deserve more normal

    ME:yea maybe when you and i are in the position to have a normal something well try who knows truth and time will tell well take care i just cant deal with one day romantic one day friends

    HIM:Have a great day

    what do you make of this whole converstation? do u think i made the right choice to take time off and not speak to him, bc i was thinking maybe a month or so? its been 5 days.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hope this is not too nerdy: Be more sincere to each other. If things can not continue, then make clean cut?

    If you think you still want to see this guy: On your txt conversation, when he originally txt you, he's expecting something, so in stead of you saying goodbye so fast, you might want to ask why he txted you, what was up? Did he want to ask you out? Since he didn't get what he expected, he asked what's wrong or you were unhappy with his answer? which somehow insulted you and you then used f words. This made him feel you were mad. Then everything started to go down from there.

    Well, make sure your exact feelings. The most important is to stay happy, good luck!
    Last edited by beyourfriend; 09-11-07 at 03:08 AM.

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