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Thread: Do you believe in your horoscope?

  1. #1
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    Do you believe in your horoscope?

    I am 30, and I have never really payed attention to horoscopes, I just skimmed over mine in the paper for the fun of it, for a laugh basically. Well, one night last year, I was at work, and didn't get a chance to glance at my paper until it was late. I had a horribly tough day, I just wanted a quick laugh, so I shot right to the horoscopes, and this is what it read:


    Remember when the very sound of someones name would make your heart skip a beat and your ears prick up? That's why you'll enjoy today. The giddy feelings will return.

    I just shook my head, laughed out loud and said to myself "dream on girlfriend, I have been over that kind of thing for seemingly years now" and I went about my business.... Well, not 5 minutes later, this stunning girl walked in, and right when she walked in, I was having a conversation with another customer, and he said to me "I thought you said that you don't have girls come visit you!" It was right around closing time, so he figured that she was coming to pick me up. That wasn't the case at all, it was the first time that I ever saw her. She said "Oh, I'm sure that there are PLENTY" to which I replied "I have zero luck in that department" She just smiled, the man left, she paid for what she wanted and also left.

    I have only seen her one time after that, but with that tiny comment, she pretty much changed the way that I look at myself forever. My horoscope was right, not 5 minutes after reading it, this girl made my giddy feelings return. From that day on, I have been so flirty and care free, she gave me so much confidence thanks to one tiny comment. And that is a lesson to take from it, that you can effect a persons outlook on life by a simple comment. Every smile, or positive gesture counts, and from that day on, I do not miss that lady's horoscope, ever! She seemingly reads my mind so many times, it's insane to me how accurate she can be at times. Of course, I take it all with a grain of salt, but I do take what she says into account with how my day is going, or how it has gone. I don't let it control me, but I do let it give me advice.

    Since that horoscope, I have had giddy feelings about life every single day, I have started writing more, I feel like I have found my calling, my passion, my talent. I feel so confident in everything that I do, I don't even have mood swings any more, I am so emotionally stable, and it didn't even take any drugs or therapy. I have let go of all anger and sadness, I don't let petty things bring me down any more. I have also met some very awesome ladies since then as well, and now I know that I can pick and choose. I'm not desperate anymore about having to find somebody, I'm not forcing things anymore. I don't obsess over people anymore, I don't have negative thoughts any more. I feel so free, and I feel so alive, and it all started the very day that I read that horoscope, it literally changed my outlook on life, and on myself.

    What about you guys? Has anybody here have a life changing experience thanks to a horoscope? Thanks to one persons simple comment, compliment or smile? I would love to hear your stories, I am happy every single day, and I realize that every day is a gift. And I hope that by my positive outlook and thinking, I can help effect people the way that they have effected me!

    Thank you for reading!

  2. #2
    Junket's Avatar
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    No, because another Aquarius read the same thing that day and nothing happened.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    No, because another Aquarius read the same thing that day and nothing happened.
    Do you have any proof to back up that claim?

    That is a valid point, but the same can be said for other things as well. If you see a tree fall in the forest, but somebody else doesn't see that tree fall? Does that mean that the tree didn't really fall? We can get bogged down in semantics, or we can have a little faith!

    I appreciate your honest response!

  4. #4
    Sonrisa's Avatar
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    you must be blind not to see or hear a tree falling in the forest. period.
    mo'Dajvo' pa'wIjDaq je narghpu' He'So'bogh SajlIj

  5. #5
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    stoned would be the third option.
    mo'Dajvo' pa'wIjDaq je narghpu' He'So'bogh SajlIj

  6. #6
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anomaly View Post
    Do you have any proof to back up that claim?

    That is a valid point, but the same can be said for other things as well. If you see a tree fall in the forest, but somebody else doesn't see that tree fall? Does that mean that the tree didn't really fall? We can get bogged down in semantics, or we can have a little faith!

    I appreciate your honest response!
    If a tree fell and nobody saw it fall, I could walk to that forest, and see that there's a tree on the ground, and gather that unless proven otherwise, it most definitely fell.

  7. #7
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    Semantics.. It was a question, you can say no to it, no you don't believe in it. My reading made me look at things differently, my family members even laugh at me when I mention my horoscope. So what, it's for me to believe in, or not believe in. If you don't, then you don't, and you obviously don't. And being stoned would just make the tree seem like its falling slower, and it would seem more dramatic, but you'd definitely notice it as well.

  8. #8
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    First of all I'd like to say I've never had an inaccurate horoscope reading

    And secondly:

    "There's no proof of people going to the restroom until they tell you about it"

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoytrHE821o"]YouTube - The UFO guy[/ame]

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