Hey guys, I signed up on this site called A Foreign Affair and I got into a relationship with this fantastic woman from the Philippines. We’ve been calling and video calling each other every day since we matched.

Our relationship has been going on for about a year now and I can proudly say that our love has been really strong even through the distance and time difference. We’ve met a couple of times throughout the year with me visiting her for a couple of days at a time. We both have established this sort of bond where not even long distance can keep us apart. Or so I thought.

Recently, my foreign girlfriend got sick and came down with a serious illness. She was told to spend a few weeks in the hospital. It took some time for her to notify me about her situation since communication is hard since her admission.

She’s been in the hospital for a couple of days now with little time to contact me. I’m thinking about booking the next flight over there to be with her at her side. Other than hopping on the next plane, are there any other ways I can be there to support her while she’s not feeling well? Being a thousand miles away from her at times like these is difficult which is why I badly need some tips and advice on how to deal with this kind of situation.

What should I do? What can I do?

I can’t rest well knowing she’s in the hospital without me taking care of her.

Should I Surprise her or let her know in advance?

Before that, should I even head on over there and just be there by her side? HELP!!!