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Thread: He stares at me but won't smile or talk?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    He stares at me but won't smile or talk?

    hi guys... So I need some advice here.

    There is a guy I saw at my uni last week. He is handsome and but I never saw him until last week when he was buying something in the canteen and I felt someone was looking at me and I saw him looking at me.

    That same day , both of us were sitting in the same area ( he was with his friend and I was with mine) and I noticed him look at me once or twice.
    He left with his friend a few minutes later but when he went to get his phone, our eyes met as I caught him looking over at me.

    I didn't see him for the next three days but yesterday I saw him and as usual he looked at me. He was doing some decorative work in the canteen and today I saw him talking with a group of people and I noticed him notice me when I passed by him in the morning and afternoon.

    I really like him but I am shy to speak to him. He is definitely a PHD or MSc student but he looks much older than me though (he's probably 25-26 but looks older I guess as he is scruffy and keeps a manbun). and he isn't helping much as all he does is stare at me. Like whenever I pass by or I am near by him, he definitely gives me a look.

    What should I make of this? Does he find me attractive or he likes me?
    I don't know about sociable but he is very open and friendly towards the people he knows, always meeting people with a huge smile and laughing and talking.
    But whenever sees me, he looks a me rather intently/seriously?

    I had never seen him up close until today when we saw each other at the stairs and he stared right back at me in a rather piercing way (if that is how I put it
    ) His stare was really intense. I wanted to smile back but the way he was looking at me, I just couldn't.

    He came to my table today before we encountered each other at the stairs to invite me and my friends to a group protestation his class is doing and he was fine there. Like he was smiling and his look towards me was normal in front of my friends. he was sitting near his friend and once again I spotted him look once or twice

    He came to my table today before we encountered each other at the stairs to invite me and my friends to a group protestation his class is doing and he was fine there. Like he was smiling and his look towards me was normal in front of my friends. he was sitting near his friend and once again I spotted him look once or twice.

    When he looks at me when both of us aren't around people, he just looks at me in a rather serious and intense way. what could this mean?

    And I also noticed one thing. When we joined his class, I noticed he caught up with a guy friend and they talked and his guy friend looked at me once.

    I just want to clarify one thing. I am not the one who looks at him. The first time I saw him, I felt as if someone was looking at me and when I looked up. But yeah, I do admit, I like him too and I find him attractive as well.

    I saw him on Monday and I hadn't seen him until my friend pointed out that he's a creep who was literally staring at me.
    I saw him then and he and a friend were taking tables outside.

    Then later on he came to the canteen where I was sitting with my friends and he slumped right in front of the sofa (in a sleeping position) .

    He had just come to chat with a friend on his phone but then my friend said it was weird how he just came and lay down in front of sofa when there are other sofas to lie down.

    On Monday, he circled me a lot but he never spoke to me. I always made eye contact with him when I saw him look at me and he was continously looking at me and I also gave him a faint smile but he did not return that.
    He just went beside the locker next to me and started fiddling inside the locker, then called his friend for help and his friend was also amused over what he needed help for as there was literally nothing he needed help with and then asked him something about the latest terrorist attack but his friend just ignored him. Then he fiddled a bit more and left.
    I was so nervous around him that I couldn't speak.

    Yesterday, he was really busy so we barely saw each other but I saw him look at me when he came (I was sitting on the grassy patch) and he noticed me twice.
    I looked back at him and he saw me looking at him.

    then I went to the canteen where I usually sit and I saw that he had left his bag near one of the desks where I sit and the wording on his bag was of my native language (he knows my ethnicity since he's heard me speak). His bag looked old so I don't think he bought it recently. i just think he brought that specifically to show me considering he had left it in the place, i usually sit and he knew I had seen him carry that bag etc.

    My friend also told me that he crossed my path once (I dont know because i didnt see him) but she did say that he was staring again.

    I desperately want to talk to him but today he didnt show up at the uni which really made me heartbroken. I don't know if he will come tomorrow or not and i am really worried.

    I dont know how to start a convo with him because either he's always surrounded by people or I fail to muster courage.

    Btw, we ve seen each other for a total of 5 days.

    So what do I perceive from his actions??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Minnesota, United States
    Just talk to him. At least say "hey, how's it going"

    People over think things, you have a lot to work with when talking with people. You can talk to him about school, like what his major is.
    After a minute or two you can just give him your number.
    Say something like, "Hey it was really nice chatting with you, but I gotta run. Here's my number, we should keep in touch"

    Talking isnt bad. For example, I just saw some lady at a gas station buying energy drinks, my comment was just "Getting ready for a long work day huh?"
    And a conversation just naturally unfolds. It's easy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by GLYC View Post
    Just talk to him. At least say "hey, how's it going"

    People over think things, you have a lot to work with when talking with people. You can talk to him about school, like what his major is.
    After a minute or two you can just give him your number.
    Say something like, "Hey it was really nice chatting with you, but I gotta run. Here's my number, we should keep in touch"

    Talking isnt bad. For example, I just saw some lady at a gas station buying energy drinks, my comment was just "Getting ready for a long work day huh?"
    And a conversation just naturally unfolds. It's easy.
    I am unsure if he really likes me hence I hesitate. You are sure that he does right? otherwise if he doesnt , he may not want to talk. plus he wasnt there today so who knows if i will ever see him again :/

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Minnesota, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by isabelseyler View Post
    I am unsure if he really likes me hence I hesitate. You are sure that he does right? otherwise if he doesnt , he may not want to talk. plus he wasnt there today so who knows if i will ever see him again :/
    No, im not sure. People try to read into subtle signs so much without taking real action, no person is a mindreader.
    I will greet and smile at random women while I pass them in hallways, without being actually interested in them romantically. It's just part of my personality.
    Other people could assume a lot based on that, and I've had people misread me before on that. Every now and then I just like talking to new people.

    Who cares if he doesn't want to talk. At least you'll know, I've found that being able to detach yourself from the results of situations, is a strength.
    I want things to happen, but I don't need them to happen.

    If a woman returns my interest, awesome, let's move with it.
    If she doesn't or at some point decides she isnt feeling it, hey, that's okay too, it doesnt need to happen.
    I like to use the line "Give me a call if you change your mind!", she can have all the time in the world, I'm not going to pressure her, wait for her, or try to change her mind.
    She can just let me know. Otherwise, I assume it's over forever.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    hi. I see you a lot here. im isabel.
    nice to meet you.
    If you think I am insulting you with my post or bashing you: You do not get the point.
    I am not here to insult or bash anyone. I offer up my free time to help. Take from my post what is useful to you.
    If you are angry about my post or myself, then please stop and think how that happened. Usually that is the way the brain responds if a critical belief system is challenged (its called cognitive dissonance). If you have trouble with it please answer in the thread. I will come back to you.

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