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Thread: Resentment? How to let it go when they keep doing the same stuff

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Resentment? How to let it go when they keep doing the same stuff

    My husband has done many many things, he has emotionally neglected me, alone with neglecting the kids, he never wants to do anything, is controlling, takes my feelings for "naggy" isn't grateful.... has a crazy mom.... aka monster in law who is bi-polar and thinks I want to sleep with her husband (my father in law. He seems to have no emotions or ability to show empathy AT ALL, he gps me, try's
    To control me job, parenting, my clothes. He has made me insecure of the most silly things.... I wrote a list of everything he did and read them to him and said sorry and I forgive you, but most of all I forgive myself for allowing it.... but he just keeeps the same behavior and always wants a " get out of jail free card" without having to help build me up or show me he can do better. He always says sorry, but I told him if I broke a plate of the floor it will shatter try saying sorry to that and see if it helps, it takes time and effort not words to put the plate back together.... how can I let it go if he nags me and keeps the same behavior? I have told him I was going to leave but I really don't think he believes I actually will. Advice appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    If you are not happy then leave. Guy have stopped trying. Its time to consider if you can be happier without him. If things you are doing are not appreciated then its time to stop doing those things.
    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Emilyh85 View Post
    My husband has done many many things, he has emotionally neglected me, alone with neglecting the kids, he never wants to do anything, is controlling, takes my feelings for "naggy" isn't grateful.... has a crazy mom.... aka monster in law who is bi-polar and thinks I want to sleep with her husband (my father in law. He seems to have no emotions or ability to show empathy AT ALL, he gps me, try's
    To control me job, parenting, my clothes. He has made me insecure of the most silly things.... I wrote a list of everything he did and read them to him and said sorry and I forgive you, but most of all I forgive myself for allowing it.... but he just keeeps the same behavior and always wants a " get out of jail free card" without having to help build me up or show me he can do better. He always says sorry, but I told him if I broke a plate of the floor it will shatter try saying sorry to that and see if it helps, it takes time and effort not words to put the plate back together.... how can I let it go if he nags me and keeps the same behavior? I have told him I was going to leave but I really don't think he believes I actually will. Advice appreciated
    Hi, while reading your post, it reminded me of my sister, her husband is treating her almost the same way your husband is treating you. She has also some issues with her in-laws. I feel sad for my sister. I’m sorry too that you are going through this. I would like to encourage you to have a serious talk with your husband, I am married for 21 years and I realized the importance of communication in having a successful marriage. I also experienced some ups and downs in our marriage but through communication, and telling my husband I truly feel, it helps a lot in our relationship. Hoping for the best in your marriage and I will be praying for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Thank you for the prayers!!!! I'm hoping that things will change with the clean slate, try to see if things will change with out holding onto resentment.... I'm trying to stay hopefull, but I felt really sick last night and this am with a stomach bug, and since he worked 5 hours today..... he didn't come home at all and help do really anything around the house, he said it's my choice to keep a clean house !!!😩😩

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Talk without actions are just words

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