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Thread: How to keep girls interested when you are an introvert?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    How to keep girls interested when you are an introvert?

    I just want to throw this out there, I’m an introvert. I spent my adolescence and mid adulthood in the comfort of my home playing video games. The fact that I work freelance and from home doesn’t help. I’m almost 30 and it has been pointed out to me that I should be more active.

    More accurately, my parents have been nagging me to socialize more. I’ve been trying so hard to step out of my comfort zone and participating in social events. It’s been really tough on me dealing with my social anxieties and unavoidable awkwardness when talking to people. I’ve decided to try something that’s more up my alley.

    I decided to interact and communicate with people through the internet. I’ve joined forums, online games, and community websites. It took me awhile for me to get used to this kind of lifestyle, casually chatting and checking up on virtual friends. Then it hit me –I want to find a lover. I then asked my internet friends for any recommendations and they’ve suggested this site called A Foreign Affair. I was a bit skeptical at first. I immediately tried to take everything in and adapted to how things work with online dating.

    So far, the experience has been great. I’ve met great single women with the same interests as me and it’s been really fun. But my only problem is, I don’t know how to keep them interested in me. Right now, I’m not expecting a long term or serious relationship –or just a relationship in general. I’m keeping a slow pace but eventually I’d want to settle down and be serious with a woman but I can’t achieve that because I’m really introverted.

    There are so many problems in my mind right now. I hear that single tours are a great way to get yourself out there and to meet a woman. I badly need some advice on how to keep girls interested and I would gladly appreciate some dating tips before I try joining one myself or even meeting up with a date in the future. Thank you so much!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    As you are interested in starting a relationship with a girl, God is interested is interested in starting in a relationship with you. He so much want to have a relationship with you, that He sent His son to death. I don’t know if you have a faith system, but I recently read this very powerful Bible verse:

    Call to Me [God] and I will show great and mighty things which you do not know.

    God wants to show you amazing things...maybe you may want to think about God’s desire to have a relationship with you. Someone once wrote, ‘Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness.’
    God can give you those answers which you are seeking and those answers will be the best one’s.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    I am same as like you. its ok to socialize with people but never change your self for the sake of others. Let her and you accept and love each others differences. For you to avoid loses if things didn't work out. Don't end up like me. Giving everything I had to a point I didn't even realize I loose respect for my self as I gave everything and I didn't even think to left anything for my self. Hope u all the best and be careful

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Chicago, 'the Windy City'
    Hey Shy

    For starters, you don't have to give up what you're doing regarding playing your video games, it's just a matter of getting with someone who share the same interest as you. I'm sure there are introvert females out there as well, who enjoy gaming as well. I always say Shy, there's somebody for everybody!

    At 30 years old, I agree with your parents that you should get out more and socialize. I understand about you feeling safe within your comfort zone, but you must remember, the world is passing you by.

    I can help you. First, you must build up your confidence. This alone is making you feel sheltered. don't worry about social dating sites for the moment. Remember, you must crawl before you can walk. Lets just concentrate on building your confidence for the moment.

    Second, there's some interesting articles on my site that will help you. My url is at the bottom of my message, with the 'Beating Heart logo.' Go through and select your article of interest. I'll work with you to help build your confidence and self esteem. After that, everything else will slowly fall in place. You can skype or email me anytime.

    Ron "The Love Doctor" Kennedy
    Need One-On-One Help? PM me.

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