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Thread: How is this possible?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    How is this possible?

    20 years ago I got divorced from the mother of my first son. I rebound into a whirlwind romance with a girl that lasted all of 6 months. For purposes of anonymity I'll call her Jane. Those six months were the most magical months I ever experienced. One day out of the blue, she broke up with me. I never really knew what it was. I think it may have been my son and the fact that she had no children to tie her down. Really it's pointless to question why. All I know is she broke my heart. I moved on though..or so I thoight. I got remarried and had another child. I've been with my wife now for many years and I love her dearly. I thought I had moved on from Jane. Today I was heading out of town and there was an accident on the interstate that forced me to take a back route. My GPS sent me right through Jane's old neighborhood. Twenty long years have passed and my heart began to hurt. I literally felt nauseous, weak, and depressed. It was like I was brought back 20 years in time. How is this possible. Why do I feel guilty? I feel like I'm cheating on my wife because my heart still hurts for a girl I loved 20 years ago. I never in a million years would have expected it to affect me like this and have so many memories come back. Six months in a relationship and it's still affecting me 20 years later. I can't be the only one to experience this...
    Last edited by 4UsernameTaken; 31-12-17 at 01:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Ask Jane why

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