My girlfriend is every definition of a classy lady. She’s one elegant woman with a rocking personality. It was no surprise that I got starstruck when I met her in Ukraine during a romance tour thing. Ever since the event, we’ve been going on many dates where she would tell me some of her favorite things and hobbies.
One of her fave activities putting on makeup. I just love the way her eyes light up when she talks to me about her makeup collection and everything that has the word “makeup” on it. So, as a upcoming birthday gift, I was thinking of buying her some expensive branded makeup. Okay, this goes without saying but as a typical man, I ABSOLUTELY am clueless with makeup.
Any gents out there who have some kind of idea on what kinds of makeup I should get my special lady? There’s so many details to know about getting the right makeup that I would just give up on myself when searching for one either online or at the mall. Even with the help of sales clerks, I still would end up scratching my head.
I seriously need your help on this! Any brands I need to consider? What kind of makeup brush is the right brush? What’s a foundation? Should I just get her a whole kit? HELP!