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Thread: Weird thing...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Weird thing...

    hi, I got a weird situation here.
    i used to like this girl, we had a class together last yr, and a mutual friend in the same class, so we knew each other.

    this yr i decided that i just wanted to be friends, since i found out that shes dating this pretty chill guy that i know, and shes a pretty nice person.

    in the halls i usually only say hi if the person i know looks me back in the eye, so i tried to catch hers, and every single time she would like purposely avoid mine. so i thought ok fine lol, but sometimes in class she would talk to me like we are friends, yet not once does she say hi in the halls
    last yr i always felt nervous and uncomfortable around her, and she was all like normal, and this yr she looks all uncomfortable around me, without me doing anything.

    but then my friends tell me that sometimes i look really scary and intimidating, since i went to military camp and im pretty big. but ive tried to smile more and i dont think i scare ppl that much anymore, i definately dont want to, especially not girls.

    so theres the facts basically, some of my friends say she likes me, other just say she got issues lol, wut about u?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Rather tricky one there perhaps confront her yourself ask her why she is acting like this its a possiblity that this is her way of trying to tell you that she likes you and when shes around you she may not be "avioding" you but just shy.

    P.S Remeber Friends Over G.F/B.F

    Peace, RedMonkey

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Melbourne, Aus
    ask her. simplest way of finding out

    Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? - The Ghost of Christmas Past

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    ya i was thinking i should do that
    one friend said that she might have found out that i liked her (which is possible since it was kinda obvious last yr), and thats shes intimidated, if thats the case then confronting her might not be the best choice, i mean she acts like im gonna turn into the hulk.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Melbourne, Aus
    then show her that you will not.

    dont expect her to realise that all by herself.

    best of luck

    Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? - The Ghost of Christmas Past

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sunshine Coast, Australia
    Bro's before Ho's

    No way.

    Love before everything.

    There are not many things I fear in life, but disappointing you is my greatest.

    I love you even with your flaws... I love you because of your flaws.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sunshine Coast, Australia
    I agree with the above posts. She may be shy, and seeing you in the hall means she has to come up with something to say on the spot, so avoiding you is easier than looking like a fool.

    You also need to expres your feelings to her. She cant work out everything by herself.

    There are not many things I fear in life, but disappointing you is my greatest.

    I love you even with your flaws... I love you because of your flaws.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    North CT
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt.Maj.
    hi, I got a weird situation here.
    i used to like this girl, we had a class together last yr, and a mutual friend in the same class, so we knew each other.
    Used to?

    this yr i decided that i just wanted to be friends, since i found out that shes dating this pretty chill guy that i know, and shes a pretty nice person.
    wrong move, Dude your openion doesn't mean is same as her's. she is a chick she wont come out and ask you out only few chicks do that. it was your job to go and ask her out. maybe she wanted to go out with you and she was waiting for you to go and ask her out.

    in the halls i usually only say hi if the person i know looks me back in the eye, so i tried to catch hers, and every single time she would like purposely avoid mine. so i thought ok fine lol, but sometimes in class she would talk to me like we are friends, yet not once does she say hi in the halls
    last yr i always felt nervous and uncomfortable around her, and she was all like normal, and this yr she looks all uncomfortable around me, without me doing anything.
    I don't blame her. now she thinks you are a weirdo. just be yourself. i can bet "you maybe acting up even when you wanna act normal, when she is around just ignore for a few times" Be normal, be yourself

    but then my friends tell me that sometimes i look really scary and intimidating, since i went to military camp and im pretty big. but ive tried to smile more and i dont think i scare ppl that much anymore, i definately dont want to, especially not girls.
    Its a big bull, nothing is wrong with you. don't listen to them. chicks love that big butch look

    so theres the facts basically, some of my friends say she likes me, other just say she got issues lol, wut about u?
    i'd say she likes you man, but she don't have issues

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    wow that looks like u put some thought into it jaye, i appreciate it.
    but i am acting normal around her now since im not THAT into her anymore

    just the other day, i saw her outside of school coming my way towards her ride and she saw me too, and i thought, ok how can she not say hi now lol theres no one else around.
    so she walks over to my side of the car, stars at the ground the whole time until she opens the door to her car and gets in. and i was just like, wow... my goodness...

    after that i thought she didnt like me at all so now like u said i basically ignore her

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    North CT
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt.Maj.
    wow that looks like u put some thought into it jaye, i appreciate it.
    but i am acting normal around her now since im not THAT into her anymore

    just the other day, i saw her outside of school coming my way towards her ride and she saw me too, and i thought, ok how can she not say hi now lol theres no one else around.
    so she walks over to my side of the car, stars at the ground the whole time until she opens the door to her car and gets in. and i was just like, wow... my goodness...

    after that i thought she didnt like me at all so now like u said i basically ignore her
    that what she desrves
    she must be the one with Capital "B"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt.Maj.
    wow that looks like u put some thought into it jaye, i appreciate it.
    but i am acting normal around her now since im not THAT into her anymore

    just the other day, i saw her outside of school coming my way towards her ride and she saw me too, and i thought, ok how can she not say hi now lol theres no one else around.
    so she walks over to my side of the car, stars at the ground the whole time until she opens the door to her car and gets in. and i was just like, wow... my goodness...

    after that i thought she didnt like me at all so now like u said i basically ignore her
    dang man, you remind me of myself at times. I'll see some girls that I'll talk to once in a while in class, but when we are outside of class we pretty much don't say anything. I think a lot of has to do with how much you know each other and/or feel comfortable around each other, because I certainly don't "know" some of these women, but rather just chit chat with them in class every once in a while. Have you tried saying hi to her?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    i wouldnt say she's a "b" lol, or i wouldnt even try to say hi
    oh well if chance permits i might ask her
    thanks guys

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