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Thread: Women, avoid using the word Fuc%

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Panama City, Florida

    Women, avoid using the word Fuc%

    I have a little tid-bit of advice that I would like you all to comment on. The advice is this.

    Women should avoid using the word Fuc% to describe they way they want their boyfriend to have sex with them.

    Why? Because in my experience I have had 2 women tell me word for word “Fuc% me like a whore.” Another women said to me “Fuc% me hard” In all 3 cases I felt that I did exactly what they told me to do, but they all said that what I did was not what they meant for me to do.

    In hindsight, when they told me to Fuc% them in my mind I made the sex completely physical. All the passion and intimacy went right out the window. I was treating them like I would a whore, which is exactly what they “Said” for me to do. After the fact, they said they really didn’t mean for me to treat them like whores.

    After 3 arguments over the matter and many encounters later I realized ( )that what they wanted me to do was to be more passionate in my action. They all wanted me to go deeper, more forceful, and with more feeling and intensity.

    But that’s not what they said. They thought that if they said “Treat me like a whore” or “Have your way with me” that I would just instantly be more intense and forceful and stuff. I was but I was also completely impersonal and uncaring and inconsiderate which is not what they wanted at all.

    The physical action was better but the emotional aspect was completely gone so the total affair was much less pleasant, so I was to learn later. This all happened when I was 23 years old. Recently, I have talked with a friend of mine who have had a similar thing happen to him and that was the end of our conversation is that women should not say the word Fuc% to their man to describe things.

    I feel now that when women use the word Fuc% when describing sex that they are meaning the physical side of sex only, but to a guy it throws out all the emotional side of sex. I think that the word sex implies more intimacy and passion than the word fuc%. So my advice is for women not to use the word Fuc% when describing sex to someone new.

    Unfortunately I don’t have an alternative way for a woman to say to their guy, “I want it more forceful and intense but with more feeling and passion too” than to simply say that but oh well. If you have a better way to put it by all means post it. Tell me what you think,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    richmond b.c
    hm.... that's interesting i never thought guys would think of the word **** would mean that but i know lots of girls say that when having sex but i'm just not one of them... seriously not lying.. i have this feeling that when i say this during sex it kinda turns me into an object.. ex: " **** me hard", "**** me like a whore", etc... i agree with u sex should be about love, being passionate about each other and to show our feelings towards each other and not just the physical part of it. Hey then wat do u think about girls saying "oh u'r my hero!" phrases like that.. i can't think of any other ones haha

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Panama City, Florida
    I think saying things like "you’re my hero" is great and saying anything you want to say during sex is great too. Communication during sex is vital in my opinion. Many people are uncomfortable talking about sex, even with their loved one. Of course talking during sex can also ruin the mood very quickly. But It can also make things fun and stuff. To me it is more important than anything else to talk about every aspect of sex and intimacy with your girl.

    Some times you want to play the strong card and just have your way with her and not talk about it, but never be afraid or avoid talking about it and if your partner doesn't want to talk about sex that’s when problems can happen.

    With my old fiancé it took a year for us to really talk about things like that. Other people will not stop talking during sex. To me, not talking about it is worse than always talking about it.

    As a side note to your question, I thought it was always cool that some women liked to call me something unique all the time, like a pet name. One woman always called me sweetie. It bugged me sometimes but she kind of over did it a bit. I think that if you use phrases like “you’re my hero” it is awesome. Just don’t overdo it. Strangely enough things like that can become addicting. Things like “how’s my sweetie today” and “who’s my hero” can really turn you on even if you’ve had a bad day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    South Jersey
    Personally...there's having sex, making love and fvcking. I do all three...but I only do them with the man I love...and he loves me. We've known each other over 25 years. The very first time I told him to fvck me hard...he knew exactly what I meant...because we communicated outside the bedroom, long before we entered it.

    I'll be honest...I don't understand how the use of one word can cause someone to become "impersonal and uncaring and inconsiderate" to someone that they care about (I'm assuming that you do care about the people you're having sex with)...but I do applaud you understanding this about yourself and comunicating ti to your potential partner before the situation arises.
    If you don't talk to your cat about Catnip...who will?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Georgia, USA
    "Darling, a true lady takes off her dignity with her clothes and does her whorish best. At other times you can be as modest and dignified as your persona requires."

    — Lazarus Long
    Speak less. Say more.

  6. #6
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    i think you should just ignore what they said and **** them like you would **** them...but ofcourse not just ****ing.

  7. #7
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Yeah just cause you suck at it doesn't mean you should make excuses and tell them to stop.

    Nothin wrong with a lil dirty talk every now and then.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    why not, instead of imposing rules on your girlfriends on what they can and cannot say during sex, just **** right. there's middle ground. just because she's your girlfriend and you like her doesn't mean you have to be all, "oh let's make love to the sunset and listen to yanni."

  9. #9
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    lmao, you tell him boss lady!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    hey , i have the same thing as the original poster .... ALMOST ...

    when my ex and present gf used to/ say ...make love , it would be passionate , when it was lets have sex , it was faster and a bit less passionate ... when its "**** me " "**** my brains out " or " make it clap " ... it just seems as if a part in my brain clicks and im off to screw her out like a madman .

    but dont think that i judged sex by theses words ... i listened , then after a little while of making love , if they wanted faster i got what they meant and started to pump up the intensity .

    but theres lots of intesity , i dont just do it with no emotions , i still care about their pleasure and everything , i just do it a bit more ... rough ... like a good slap accross a good butt cheek or a little hair pulling with some squeezing ... mmmm, good stuff ...

    this kind of behaviour got me lots of nicknames ...i love this .

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    South Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by whaywardj
    "Darling, a true lady takes off her dignity with her clothes and does her whorish best. At other times you can be as modest and dignified as your persona requires."

    — Lazarus Long

    LOL...just a dressed up way of saying 'a lady on the streets, but a freak in the bed'....

    personally...two people in a comitted relationship...anything goes as long as it pleases the people involved... ...lol...and pleasure comes in many disguises...lol
    If you don't talk to your cat about Catnip...who will?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Georgia, USA
    ...or " make it clap " ...
    I dunno. I kinda like to make it fart...phffft!...phffft!...phffft! Ya know? Kinda let's me know she's loosening up and getting ready to go real freaky on me. Makes my woodie turn into oak.
    Last edited by whaywardj; 11-12-05 at 05:52 AM.
    Speak less. Say more.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    alrighty then.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    make it clap as in the song ... ahh forget about it ... whay is too old to know what im talking about ... unless he goes to donwload the song now ...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Georgia, USA
    Hm. Wonder if there's a connection between "too old" and the Farter Starters I've had recently?
    Speak less. Say more.

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