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Thread: married couples who have sex on the side

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    married couples who have sex on the side

    Are they going to hell? my father was a truck driver and he cheated on my mother all the time. i remember him getting calls in the middle of the night from all his girlfriends that he had. He put my mother and my family thru hell and i kinda hope he gets his in the end. he was a lousy husband and a lousy father.

  2. #2
    vashti's Avatar
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    Is he going to Hell? No one knows for sure, and different religions have different things to say about that. I don't believe in Hell, so I would say no, he is just a bastard whose only "payback" will be that the people who SHOULD love him don't. He will probably die alone and lonely.

    Sorry your Dad has disappointed you, sweetie. Try not to invest any hope in his improvement because it will only serve to disappoint you further if it doesn't materialize. Not all parents deserve the wonderful children they were given.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I'm really sorry to hear about your dad, Chelsee. When my dad was young he was VERY handsome and he was a doctor too. So all the nurses were constantly hitting on him. My mom was beautiful but it wasn't it enough to keep him from being unfaithful to her. She knew about his affairs and stayed with him for one reason only... her kids. Years later, he apologized to her and all of us. It still makes me cry thinking about it.

    Last edited by kawaii; 11-12-05 at 11:14 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by chelsee
    Are they going to hell? my father was a truck driver and he cheated on my mother all the time. i remember him getting calls in the middle of the night from all his girlfriends that he had. He put my mother and my family thru hell and i kinda hope he gets his in the end. he was a lousy husband and a lousy father.
    I don't believe in hell or heaven. But if I did, then in my books, he will (sorry for talking this way about your father).

    Remember that song, "You can't always get what you want", well, you can't choose you Parents.

    But there IS something that you CAN do. And that is, being the best you can be in ANY given circumstance. You could either put up with his behavior. You could ignore it. You could avoid him altogether. You could use this as a learning experience. You can treasure other aspects of your family MORE.

    I really don't judge people in whatever circumstance they are in. I like to judge them by the outlook they take, on how to deal with those 'bumps' along lifes winding road.

    And that's my thought of the day

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Praise the Allah and noone is going to hell!
    Don't expect anything.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Planet Earth
    Well there's always two sides to every story. I'm not disagreeing with
    you at all. Its a horrible thing what you went through, and still sort of are.

    And then there are some people that live in unhappy marriages, and that goes for both men and women as well. And like the Doctor's mom who stayed with him for the kids, so do the cheating spouses.

    Its horrible though that your father continued out in the open like that. And
    this is the part I totally agree that is wrong. At that point he must have known how much hurt he was causing. He is a selfish man, and maybe one
    day he will realize what he's done. And if he has one, his conscience will be his punishment.

    But not all cheating spouses are selfish. Being happy is everyone's right,
    even if it becomes neccesary to stray for awhile. Some will return to the
    marriage and realize the grass was not as green as they thought. And others
    will realize that continuing in the marriage is not possible.

    We all have our flaws. Just remember that. And I'm sorry for the pain this
    caused you.

    As far as hell goes....no one is going there. We're already here.
    How Naughty Can I Be and Still Get Into Heaven?

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