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Thread: This idiot at work is trying to boss me around ...advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    This idiot at work is trying to boss me around ...advice

    so i just got a job 2 weeks ago , this is not a professional job .
    so i have 1 boss . his attitude is alright . for once i got a boss who isnt so much of a snob . BUT his (assistant) manager ... is a total asswhipe . he cant fire me but his opinion has lots of impact on the boss . ****ing indian ( no offense RK ) ... i usually dont mind indians but this damn shit face keeps acting like a prick

    see because im new they try to boss me around for tasks that im not suppose to do ... like cleaning the place ... WTF is that ... i dint do it , not really , just for them to see 2 secs then when they turned i stopped .

    they say "because your new , you have to clean the place in the morning " and before i came around there was a list where each person would have to clean on a specific schedual ... tomorrow if they say shit ill just say

    " i wasnt hired to be a janitor , if thats what your looking for then go hire somebody for that or do it yourself "

    is that bad ? do you think they would fire me for that ? i need the money and now most places arent hireing anymore .

    i dont want to be pushed around and for them to think that they can do as they want with me . this is a small place , im the only new one there , they fired my friend wich was there for 1 day more than i was , they keept me instead . i plan on quitting in mid Jan or maybe keeping it part-time ONLY IF they are OK or they dont try to abuse of me .

    except for that i REALLY like the job , 1st job i like actually , but this ruins it all , friday i was soo pissed that i almost punched the indian ****** ... i was aswering him all like

    Him: so clean the things like this ( he does a stupid example of cleaning looking all embarassing on purpose ... i could tell )

    him: now do that but faster (hands me a little feather shit that servants use to dust off things)

    me : (gives a pissed look at him ) ... :takes the thing , walks around the store with it but not doing shit , puts it back at its place and goes back to doing usual work :

    what should i do LF members ? i kinda need the money but not THAT badly , my parents would understand why i quit , and its slowly killing the relationship also ... our scheduals dont match up , i havent seen her in 2 weeks ... shit , just when i found a job

  2. #2
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    ps , the indian guy has been there for the longest time after the boss , he is basically in charge when the boss isnt around

    he doesnt really work , everyday theres like 10 indians who go and talk to him at the store for hours , he walks around and acts all as if hes the best , he dressed like a prick ( ohh , i wear rockawear but im 28 ... shit im soo cool , and i try to boss ppl 10 years younger than me ... im so gangsta attitude) ... he pisses me off , he has a shitty car with ... listen to this , 8 TV screens and a ps2 in it ,,, its a damn civic ... its to retarded , i think he needs a good stomping from a good ol down to earth person that ill bring his shit back to reality .

    he acts as if he owns the block . i HATE ppl like that .

    do you think he would look after me if i beat his ass in the store or they would call the cops ... i would be on tape . im not the only one that hates him .

    and he hired his little brother and he dint even get an interview or anything . he was accepted just like that ... i got to go to work tomorrow .
    Last edited by Late_vamp; 19-12-05 at 12:49 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Panama City, Florida
    You didn’t say what kind of store it is man but if it is just a dime mom and pop store screw that crap. I say find another job. You almost punched that jack ass, and yes they would have called the cops and loved every minuet of seeing you hauled off to jail for assault.

    Like you said man you really don’t need the money. Find another job and see your damn girlfriend. Life is not about your job, especially if it is one that you hate. I would rather do drywall and still see my girlfriend than work some cushy job I hate and then never see her.

    You don't want this to happen to you do you?

  4. #4
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    May 2005
    What kind of place doesn't boss newbies? I think you are a snob, LV. Usually newbies clean around, lol. Like in school, wehre they ask questions and are suspicious about newbies. Take it as a test.

    Now I remember when I went to work once and was a newbie, the first day i had to do 12 hours straight, and after that, they kept paying me low. I quit.
    Don't expect anything.

  5. #5
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    well its retail , its a known store where i live , kinda like an local best buy but its been around for like 20 years and they dont sell big stuff , mainly electronic stuff like transistors , resistors ...

    anyways , i dont live in the states so i dunno if they would actually be so strict and arrest me for a couple of thrown punches ... but if things get to that point ill just leave ... this sucks because my X-mas gift is there but i cant buy it until thursday night ...

    shit , i cant let him get away with all this .... im not a snob , i did clean up at other places before this job , even worst , there was a bunch of ppl around when i cleaned up , but they know im leaving for school in about a month . i think they are abusing , nobody but me does these kind of tasks . i got to stand up for myself...

    dont you think ?
    Last edited by Late_vamp; 19-12-05 at 08:18 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Lubbock, TX
    A feather that servants use? You mean he gave you a feather duster lol. LV, did you grow up with servants? Cleaning is usually something a new person does.

  7. #7
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    Man up and do the work. Everyone has to start at the bottom and work their way up. Besides, it is only temporary and you need the money. About the assistant manager: he outranks you, so you ought to listen to him unless you want to get fired.

    Has it occurred to you that the reason the manager can afford to be a cool guy is because his assistant's job is to be the jerk?

  8. #8
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Yeah I kinda agree with shh!...

    Also - if it's not in your job description and it bothers you that much, maybe talk to your supervisor (the cool guy) and let him know what's botherin you, he might be able to help clear some things up.

  9. #9
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    Aug 2005
    well , today was kind of good at work , the jackass wasnt there .

    but you guys got me lost ... who are you referring to as the "cool guy " ... there is no cool guy ... theres the boss (manager) ... then the assistant manager ( indian poser asswipe ) ... and some employes with me included ... wich i am new guy .

    now , for a new guy , i outrank most ppl , made more sales than 50 % of the staff ,and i did more work . meaning im more productive . if i keep this up , i will be in the "honor's" list of the boss wich is written inside his brain ...

    the assistant manager is only there because he's been here for longer than anybody ... thats his life , nothing else really ... i see most older employes are acting like bastards to me , probably because they see me as a threat to their positions ...

    lets see

    -they have academic qualities ...some even finished college
    -I am even younger and as much experience at work ( nobody worked at a car dealership BUT me ... whats better , to sell cars or plugs that are 1 $) AND i got better academic skills than some .( they speak only 1-2 languages , i speak 3 and understand 5 )
    -In retail , looks can be important , who would you rather talk to , the smelly old person who doesnt seem to know what the heck is RAM (and that really doesnt)
    on a pc or the REAL immigrant who's english is barely understandable OR

    the young one that looks presentable and actually knows how to build a computer AND who speaks properly MORE languages than they do put together .

    - they are mostly drop-outs or ppl that for some dumb reason are working there yet there i am , having the same job while being younger , more or less schooling and kicking their ass in in sales after only 2 weeks of being there ... AHHH !!!! , jealousy ! ... now i know why they hate me ...ok , it makes sense now ...

    so now , what can i do so they dont gang up on me and decide to do some bad shit to me behind my back ? buy them off ? screw that , id rather beat them up .

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Panama City, Florida
    You know there is an old saying in business that has always held true.

    He who minds his own business usually has a very successful one.

    Just focus on you, not them, I mean do you really give a damn about them anyway? Mind your own store (your life, money, relationships, whatever.) I mean your letting this crap get to you outside the job dude. Go see your girlfriend.

  11. #11
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    i did , and i made sure i saw her REALLLL good . havent been this happy in a couples of weeks

    now they cut down on my hours because some students have no school so they take my hours ... just cuz im new . bastards ... ahh well , more sleep and seeing my girl for me

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Shasta Co. Cali
    First off, take a seat back and chill out.

    Speaking from experience, I have been in your place, when I used to work for other people. At every one of my jobs my primary function was not to clean. However, if my boss asked me too then it became one of my tasks. If I disagreed or just "didn't feel like it"..that did not matter because it was my job,end of story.

    If I ever where to get to point where I told my boss to his face that I would do something and then I did not (just to be passive aggressive) then I would be the one to step the **** off and resign.

    Keep in mind, that he is your boss. It doesn't matter that he has his friends over, or slacks, or whatever. It is your job to follow his instructions.

    I fired a guy because he had trouble adjusting to my discipline. He seemed to think that he could go online, go outside to chat on his cell phone, among other things...what he didn't seem to realize was that I AM the BOSS and I CAN do these things because I OWN the business. What I do is my business, and I'll be damned if someone slacks on my dollar!

    Know your position in the business. If cleaning is too much for you, then be a Man, recorgnize that, and tell your boss that you are unable to perform the tasks given to you.. and look for work elsewhere. Otherwise, you are over stepping your bounds, and disclipinary action is at your door.

    Best of Luck, and remember there is nothing wrong with quitting..but slacking will get you in trouble.

    Just my .02

  13. #13
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    Aug 2005
    yup i DONT slack off ... ever . believe me or not but im very serious at work ... im not a robot either so if there is NO work to be done , then i wont go and find something on purpose to fix .

    if there are customers or i have tasks i will do them , if there is nothing to do , i wont just stand there and stare at the other employes or talk on the phone ( yea i got no cell , no pager NOTHING so no stupid boss can say SHIT) ... i am very discliplined and respectfull , but some ppl just TRY to abuse of the niceness of my attitude at work .

    the thing is , he IS NOT THE BOSS , he's JUST somebody who has been there for LONGER ... thats IT . since he's been here for longer he knows more , he CANNOT fire me .

    i never slack off like talking to my friends on the phone , or taking breaks , or not completing my tasks , or avoiding customers ... im like the best example of a good employe but these jerks are trying to take that and abuse it , i dont want to lose the job but i dont want to kiss ass either . i want to put them at their place . i want them not to be incompetent co-workers and pushy wannabe bosses .

    i cant believe this, when i try to be all good and nice i get shit and when i dont give a shit anymore thats when they stop being pushy and im off the radar ... its a stupid coincidence , it has happened in my last 3 jobs .

    i swear if one day that guy pisses me off on the streets or somehow insults me , my right fist is going straight to his face ... after work of course hehe .

    ps : this ass hole (unknown old bastard in his snobby SUV...what a bitc h) tried to run me over today after work... then at work it was shitty , my girl doesnt really want to see me today ( stupid useless fight yesterday over the phone) , and this morning i was asking GOD , "why cant i ever have a day when everything goes fine in my life???"
    theres ALWAYS something to make my day turn into shit ...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Shasta Co. Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Late_vamp
    yup i DONT slack off ... ever . believe me or not but im very serious at work ... im not a robot either so if there is NO work to be done , then i wont go and find something on purpose to fix .

    if there are customers or i have tasks i will do them , if there is nothing to do , i wont just stand there and stare at the other employes or talk on the phone ( yea i got no cell , no pager NOTHING so no stupid boss can say SHIT) ... i am very discliplined and respectfull , but some ppl just TRY to abuse of the niceness of my attitude at work .

    the thing is , he IS NOT THE BOSS , he's JUST somebody who has been there for LONGER ... thats IT . since he's been here for longer he knows more , he CANNOT fire me .

    i never slack off like talking to my friends on the phone , or taking breaks , or not completing my tasks , or avoiding customers ... im like the best example of a good employe but these jerks are trying to take that and abuse it , i dont want to lose the job but i dont want to kiss ass either . i want to put them at their place . i want them not to be incompetent co-workers and pushy wannabe bosses .

    i cant believe this, when i try to be all good and nice i get shit and when i dont give a shit anymore thats when they stop being pushy and im off the radar ... its a stupid coincidence , it has happened in my last 3 jobs .

    i swear if one day that guy pisses me off on the streets or somehow insults me , my right fist is going straight to his face ... after work of course hehe .

    ps : this ass hole (unknown old bastard in his snobby SUV...what a bitc h) tried to run me over today after work... then at work it was shitty , my girl doesnt really want to see me today ( stupid useless fight yesterday over the phone) , and this morning i was asking GOD , "why cant i ever have a day when everything goes fine in my life???"
    theres ALWAYS something to make my day turn into shit ...

    If this guy is not your boss, or at least a superivisor, then don't do things for him at his beckoning call. Sounds to me like you are both in equal positions, but since he has been there longer he erroneosly *thinks* that he can deligate tasks to you. Wait till you have quit this job, then stick him in his face.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Wow, for the time being clean the place okay? Don't get all upset and freaked out about your job, the people, your cirmcumstances, your girl friend. Just stop for a minute and make a plan. Do you need a job? Are they easy to come by? Can you live with it for the next 2 weeks or say a month? Then stop complaining and just go to work. Do you think you are the only person who has to eat shit at work. Try corporate america. They can be barracudas. It is what is it. Now, what you have to do is make the best or it....not the worst of it.
    Stop looking at everything you don't like about it. Make it a game. Go in and be nice, smile at people and act like you are happy. Maybe you can win an Academy Award.
    The fact is that you are now positioning yourself to have some income, you'll have a hell of a lot more fun at work, and you can now make a decision about what you want to do next. But to just quit. Come on. Who are you kidding? Quit once you've made a plan towards your next step. Line it up. Figure out what's next.
    You are the only one who has the power to make something out of your life or you can leave your life to chance. Whatever comes along. Go and get the book, "The Magic Of Thinking Big", by David Schwartz.
    You aren't as angry at those people as you are at yourself for your mistakes. You can change your life at any moment. It's your choice...Best of Luck..Susan

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