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Thread: making out with the boss

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    making out with the boss

    my boss and i have been making out quite often.
    we pretend like we have no feelings for each other at work.
    but afterwork, often times we meet up or flirt on the phone.
    tho we never had sex, i am not stupid to know this is "cheating" already.
    with adultery aside, my concern now is whether it will effect my work?
    he has family, really big in this company and alot at stake.
    anybody have experienced a relationship with their boss?
    how did it turn out in the end? pls fill me in.

  2. #2
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    ugh....bad move.

    What happens now when you decide you don't want to do this anymore? Now you have to worry about losing your job as well.

    What happens when someone at work finds out? What happens when his wife finds out?

    When it comes to messing with someone at work the first thing you have to ask yourself - "Is this worth losing my job?"

    And don't even get me started on the fact you are doing this with a married man...


  3. #3
    vashti's Avatar
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    Ugh - why did you post this in two different threads? Oh well; this is a duplicate of what I posted in the other one, in case you delete one (which you should).

    Why would you want to put adultery on the side? Are you oaky with him doing this to his family? Is this the way YOU'D want to be treated? Don't you know a loser when you see one?

    Yeah - this is a REALLY dumb idea, even aside from the slutiness factor. When this guy's wife finds out, you will be gone. When he gets tired of you, you will be gone. When a cuter girl starts to work there, you will be gone. When your co-workers find out, they will think you are getting special treatment and that any advancement you make at work was not earned. They will hate you, and you will WANT to be gone.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  4. #4
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    double posting was to get quick exposure.
    i need quick advice.
    i trust that the guy genuinely likes me for me and not for my cuteness or the desire to satisfy his sexual feelings. i am highly recognized by the organization as i graduate with first honor and gold medal. he too was once a student to achieve highest grade in his faculty and won royal scholarship to study and PhD researches. i am sure he knows what he is doing and i believe my considerable intellegence provide me with some instinct to "know a loser when i see one".
    his wife and him are seperated, not yet divorced for their kid.
    however, thank u for ur advice.
    i need to hear it from someone who really had experience on this though. not someone who got only theories but never had practice.

  5. #5
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    why don't you tell us what you want to hear so that accomodate your "advice" needs.

  6. #6
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    Why do you need quick advice? Do you think you're doing something you shouldn't be?
    It's so typical especially with your last sentence "i need to hear it from someone who really had experience on this...."...You know what you're doing is wrong so give up trying to gain someone's support on all this.
    -to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.- e.e.cummings

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by misombra
    why don't you tell us what you want to hear so that accomodate your "advice" needs.
    -to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.- e.e.cummings

  8. #8
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    what's up bebido! where you been?

  9. #9
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hazelnut69
    double posting was to get quick exposure.
    i need quick advice.
    i trust that the guy genuinely likes me for me and not for my cuteness or the desire to satisfy his sexual feelings. i am highly recognized by the organization as i graduate with first honor and gold medal. he too was once a student to achieve highest grade in his faculty and won royal scholarship to study and PhD researches. i am sure he knows what he is doing and i believe my considerable intellegence provide me with some instinct to "know a loser when i see one".
    his wife and him are seperated, not yet divorced for their kid.
    however, thank u for ur advice.
    i need to hear it from someone who really had experience on this though. not someone who got only theories but never had practice.
    Intellectual intelligence and interpersonal intelligence are not directly proportional.

    what makes you think that just because people don't approve means they have no personal experience?
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by hazelnut69
    i trust that the guy genuinely likes me for me and not for my cuteness or the desire to satisfy his sexual feelings.
    I'm sure this is exactly what it is. You 2 are a present day Romeo and Juliet, destined to be together forever.

    P.S. For all your "intelligence", perhaps you should consider paragraph breaks or maybe....ya know...Capitalization every now and then when you start a sentence. You are doing a wonderful job impressing the rest of us.


  11. #11
    Tone's Avatar
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    I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said, just want to reinforce what others say that this is a really bad decision, and for all your book smarts you claim to have you sure are dumb.

    Harsh, but true, unfortunately. Good luck, don't bother posting in another couple weeks/months telling us we were right - we already know. :)

  12. #12
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    i am grateful for the enthusiasm and passionate advices i am getting. they reassured the half of me that wants to stop but from all the anger i'm hearing from y'all as i read thru the lines, i think i must explain myself in details, the situation, and the rationale supporting the other (foolish) half of me that tells me to continue this affair. (first, i admit that booksmarts are dumb at heart and i apologize for not capitalizing my first letters in each sentences) the reason why i needed to hear it from "someone who had actual experience on this" was becos i knew of a friend who came second but could get a guy to remarry her eventually. the guy and his ex wife had no kid but their relationship was similar to that of my guy and his wife, it came about by what westerners termed ''arranged-marriage". i live in a country where this is still commonly found (in asia). the wife of my boss is treating him very badly and i'm hearing even worse treatment on their daughter from the daughter herself. the daughter once told me that she wanted a mother like me. i must admit that the lil girl's word and her innocent influences are also part of it all. we went for a picnic together, my boss, his daughter, and i when my boss's wife went for a "business trip" (as she put it) with her foriegn ex-boyfriend. that is when my boss and i started kissing after we put his daughter to bed. then i confided with that friend of mine (who married a once-married man) and she told me to be true to your heart and never 'lie to urself'. before u snort at my corny romantic present day romeo and juliet love story, pls try to empathize my situation and understand that every walking animal seeks happiness and happy life with 'a mate'. it would be a lie for me to walk away from this feeling and abandon all the possibilities of finding ourselves the 'true love' u know and i know everyone is looking for .. foolish but true, i do want to experience that kind of love. the love wherein two ppl click in everyway, not just physically but mentally (since we both are dumb). and since this is a 'loveforum', i find it a place to vent out this wish and wait for constructive advices. maybe i'm just asking for support for my evil-self in a longwinded way but really...with the limitations and bg stated above,if u were me, what would u really do?

  13. #13
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    find yourself a new job and forget about him.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by hazelnut69
    ...with the limitations and bg stated above,if u were me, what would u really do?
    I would get a bulletproof vest. You think the Bitchwife is going to let you walk off with her man? She'll eviscerate you. You sound like this is your first foray into the world of adult entanglements.

    You're gonna get creamed.

    I agree with Alice. Line up another job, because you've got all your eggs in one basket.

  15. #15
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    hazelnut69-----"before u snort at my corny romantic present day romeo and juliet love story, pls try to empathize my situation and understand that every walking animal seeks happiness and happy life with 'a mate'."

    I am snorting, and with laughter too. Perhaps you should start by viewing yourself as a human being and not an animal. You might be able to exercise better judgement than.

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