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Thread: i miss her so much

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    i miss her so much

    my girlfriend broke up with me 4 days ago and i really cant handle it. i love her so much and it hurts so bad. we went out almost 2 years and they were the best of my life. eventhough we didn't really like eachother at the start it suddendly about a year ago became the most wonderful relationship and we loved eachother so very very much (me 24 her 21 years old). the 4 days ago she told me she wants to break up with me cause she doesnt love me anymore and that she'd need time to her own. that broke me so me.
    i met her the day after and tried to get her back which didnt happen. i told her how much i'd love her and if she ever wanted to come back i'd be taking her back without hesitating. then i met her again yesterday and i asked her if there was any love left in her at all and she said yes but not enough and we both cried.
    i just dont beleive that she doesnt feel for me anymore just like that all of the sudden. i just dont know what to do anymore its so damn hard. nothing will cheer me up i cant even take her picture outta my wallet. all i think about all day is her. i'm scared that she walkes up to me and says she'll never be back again.

    please help me please

  2. #2
    LINEBACKER _2's Avatar
    LINEBACKER _2 Guest
    Better let her go man... It looks like that is what she wants. It's too bad man. I know, it sucks.

    I think we've all been there before.


  3. #3
    Illusional's Avatar
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    the advice that i'll give you probably won't be one that you will want to hear, but i feel that this is the truth. your ex doesn't feel the same for you. she has had an extensive amount of time to organize her thoughts and think over your relationship over the past 2 years and the conclusion that she has come to is that it's over between the two of you. she says that she still loves you and a part of her always will. you bonded for a good year or so with her and that she will always treasure. i still care for some of my ex's to a degree but i will never get back with them. she is being nice in telling you that she cares for you, but she should be honest and tell you that there isn't a likely chance that you'll get back together. she just doesn't know how to tell you off because it's so hard and painful for the both of you. i suggest that you remain friends but move on because don't salvage what isn't there to be salgaved. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    we're back

    hi all thanks for ur advices. since monday midday we're back together. we talked quite a lot about where and why it went wrong and we're giving it a slow start now and i'm giving her all the time she needs. i'll let u know how it works out!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Throw her to the dogs, you fool. She already proved she wasn't worth your time by leaving you once...and now you're going to let her do it again?!?! Tell her you're through, she's lost her chance. Show some Strength, for god's sake. She's got you all wrapped up now, totally under her control. She left and you took her back. She Will leave again.

  6. #6
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    Nov 2003
    Did this sites address change to [url]www.burninhell.net[/url] or something? Your not going to give anyone confidence by critisizing them.....but at the same time, when you post you subject yourself to critisizm. Something must have brought her back for round 2.
    Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools.

    Napoleon I

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Just trying to save this guy from more heartache...she Proved she wasn't worth his time by leaving...I've seen plenty of dudes in his situation, even been there myself, and you know what happens: They leave again, a wad of emotional wreckage that used to be you in their dust.

    It's just not worth it to take her back. I'm not being critical, i'm being practical. I don't think she's worth a Round 2. He should be looking for a Round 1 with someone else, or taking some time to review his relationship techniques to determine at which point she became unattracted to him in the first place (because if the thing about him that had attracted her to him initially were still there, she wouldn't have left). It just makes sense.

    And dude, if you do play this thing out, the best way to NOT keep her around will be to walk on eggshells, be extra sensitive and thoughtful, and put your life on hold to "make it work". You've got to show her that she's not your world, which will go on wether she's around or not. You've got to be strong and make it clear she's just a Part of your life, not All of your life.

    Synergist out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    She left him once, so obviously she doesnt know what she wants, give her a damn break she is human. If you stick to a "if they shit on me once there gone phylosophy"....
    You may find it more difficult than previously anticipated. Be compassionate put yourself in other peoples shoes.

    Naturally the more us humans do for a significant other...the more we are going to expect in return....It is all about emotional control.

    You don't recover by giving up on someone important to you, telling yourself there not worth your time anymore is a form of denial. Nobody has life all figured out, it is your choice how you go about it.
    Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools.

    Napoleon I

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