Love n Relationship

Emotions run rampant, scenes break out in public, in the bedroom, or even at work. Yelling, insulting and tears can be a staple of some people’s relationship. Being someone’s partner is not always easy. Relationships can drain you of energy or give you a vibrant and happy reprieve from the grind of day-to-day life. All couples look different, but whatever your relationship looks like, if you want to make it happier and healthier, then looking for some of the tricks to avoid fights and stay emotionally intimate, is probably the best thing that you can do for you and your lover.

There are ways to learn to listen better, ways to ask you lover for what you need, without appearing to be demanding. Sometimes just some space may be what you need, but let’s be honest, anyone who has been in a bad relationship with someone that they love, it is no secret how hard the constant fighting, lack of intimate expression, discourteous behavior, jealousy and mistrust, can be on the heart and the head. Experts claim that poor relationship skills can lead to depression and anxiety. The mind is a delicate thing and unhappiness is something that we all want to avoid at all cost, especially when our home and heart should be the place to escape from all the other stuff that we can’t escape from.

Even if you just want more blowjobs, flowers, breakfast in bed, or any multitude of things that would make your relationship appear more like the ideal version that you have in your head, here is where to start. Learn to trick you lover into going to the horror/romantic comedy, and make them think that they made the decision. Learn to communicate when you are tired without making it seem as though you are rejecting their sexual advances. There are lots of things that we could all use work on, and a little help never hurt anyone.

This is our relationship advice, take it or leave it, but learn it, because it may save you one day when you really need it.