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Thread: Right or wrong? I broke it up.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Right or wrong? I broke it up.

    I've broken up with my now-exbf a couple of times before this so-called "final breakup" Our relationship has been unstable in the past and I know for most of the time when I broke it off, I broke it off for the right reason... It's just that when we weren't together, he would always be so sweet and convince me that he's learnt his mistakes. He visits me or call me all the time when we're not together.. and somehow and someway we always end up getting back after a week or so. I have a soft heart... and this time, I am/was determined that I've made my final decision to let him go. He's inconsiderate and have been a jerk in the past and I think being with him makes me unhappy deep down inside. Before we broke up we were having lots of fun, but it didn't necessarily mean I was happy with the relationship as a whole since it was going downhill quite considerably before it started to get better. Being with him have always made me feel like I wasn't his "1st choice" or the one he chooses to be with or just plainly good enoguh. For some reason I always get a feeling that he always make comments in order to imply that I wasn't as great as all of the other girls that he knows/knew or see down the street. This was the main reason for the breakups in the past. It's still occuring here and there before this final breakup, it just occur less. Now that I've broken up with him... I'm starting to miss him. I miss being so close to him and doing all those fun things that we were starting to before this happened. I'm not sure if this is what you called "love" but I've always thought I was never in love with him. He'd always said that he loves me more than any of his ex's and would want to marry someday but I truly don't believe him. It seems to me that he's just scared to be alone for a longer period of time again if this relationship ever reaches its end. I'm not too sure if my reason for breaking up is "right" but it seems like he still cares for me a lot. I still care for him a lot too, and really... I just don't know. He hasn't called me since we've broken up. He has only messaged me over the net asking about my day and such... Right after I broke up with him, I called my best friend and he said it was only right for me to do it. He said I was "too good" for my exbf anyway adn the fact that he made me feel less of myself all the time should be a good enough reason to end it all here... This relationship has caused me to stress more than ever... and my ex has always brought out the bad and meaner side of me... I've always felt that I've put in more efforts than he ever did for this relationship. After our first few months of being together, his efforts in everything seemed to minimize and mine seemed to maximize. We had a previous big break up before when we didn't talk for a month or so before he realized that he was wrong and promised me that he was going to "make it up" to me. Lately, he has shown signs that he's putting much more efforts than before. So should I still give it another try even though it was getting better before it ended? We were having really good times before the last argument that lead to this "final breakup". I don't know if I love him. And if I do, is it worth it to end it here? Back to my best friend, he said if you can't see long term with him... break it off now before it gets harder... but what if it'll be better from here on out? Should I just continue to be friends with him and see what's up in the long run? But thenif I do that, then I'm scared I might not be able to control my emotions or my feelings for him.
    Last edited by Nalyh; 21-03-06 at 05:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    alright well plain and simple, he makes you feel less about yourself, he gives you doubts, you have broken up multiple times, he says hes gonna change but shit always go back to how it was --- all signs its not right for you to be brutally honest... of course it hurts and its going to suck you liked him a lot maybe even sorta loved him.. breaking up sucks. hangout with your good friends minimize your time alone and forget this guy for now. if you enjoy his company tell him you need time to get over the breakup but you would like to remain friends because you guys have fun together. i really recommend not trying it again because ive been there done that shit usually doesnt get better. but sometimes you have to learn on your own.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    How do you think he's ever going to make you happy when you have all these feelings. I dont think it's love you're feeling; it's Need. You're Needy. You need to find comfort in yourself before you can love someone. You don't miss him, you miss having a BF.
    "Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, when you're perfect in every way. I can't wait to look in the mirror, cause I get better loking each day. To know me is to love me, I must be a hell of a man. Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, but I'm doing the best that I can." Mac Davis

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by TAVS
    How do you think he's ever going to make you happy when you have all these feelings. I dont think it's love you're feeling; it's Need. You're Needy. You need to find comfort in yourself before you can love someone. You don't miss him, you miss having a BF.

    yeeee you like the comfort of having someone there so your not alone. this is no big deal a lot of people end up this way after a relationship but thats correctooo TAVS!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by xwfuro
    yeeee you like the comfort of having someone there so your not alone. this is no big deal a lot of people end up this way after a relationship but thats correctooo TAVS!
    I've been there.
    "Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, when you're perfect in every way. I can't wait to look in the mirror, cause I get better loking each day. To know me is to love me, I must be a hell of a man. Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, but I'm doing the best that I can." Mac Davis

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Nalyh
    ...he's learnt his...
    LOL, English??

    He's a dumbass, and you are a woman. I'm sorry, that was mean.

    You ARE needy tho. Just move on, and get to know yourself before you get to know anyone else better.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    learnt is a word by the way... it's another way to say learned but anyway... back to the story. He called me today. Brought up the subject and we ended up arguing again. He said I'm over reacting since the relationship was getting better before I broke it up. In a way, he's trying to put blame on me for breaking things up so soon before giving him room to change. I mean, yeah, there were change but not enough and I was fed of all the things that's been happening before he decided to change. I don't know, he said he's gonna call me later on tonight even though I cursed him out and told him to take me off his contact list. We got into a really big argument when he called...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    He came by earlier. He drove 45 mins aroudn the mountains to come visit me and bring me flowers. I dind't open the door and he left the flowers in front.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    At Home
    if you think he is jerk than he is...i always believe that you should always stand by wad decision you chosen...outsider can only provide opinion however you is the one that is close to him...if you think he is jerk...than breakin out is not that as bad as you think...

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