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Thread: Wet Dreams as Unconscious Stress Relief?

  1. #1
    Junket's Avatar
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    Wet Dreams as Unconscious Stress Relief?

    In case the regulars have forgotten, I'm currently serving in New Orleans as disaster relief leading gut and mold crews.

    The past couple weeks have been crazy to say the least.

    Stress is always high even after I get back from work.

    'Cause that's just it, when I get back to the facility where I'm staying the day doesn't end.

    There's always something to do.

    During this time however, I think I've had an unconscious response to it all which have come in the form of wet dreams.


    I've been having wet dreams more frequently, and they're rarely anything even remotely sexual in nature, if I can remember them at all.

    I'll just wake up and..."damn it..."

    'Cause it's a waste of good clean boxers!

    Seriously, I had 2 wet dreams in one day!

    The morning of, and later on I took a nap, and BAM! Wet dream.

    I'd have at least 1 wet dream a week. Which in my book is far too much.

    Especially since it's a bit awkward tryin' to change my shorts in a room of 8 other people.

    Since then however we've gotten less volunteers (we had a lot of spring breakers) and the stress has gone down, as did the frequency of wet dreams.

    I've also made sure as of recent that I find time to jerk off in the shower, 'cause that I'm sure was another factor, my tanks were runnin' full for a good 4-5 weeks.

    I used to love wet dreams.

    But now it's gotten really old, really fast.

    Such a waste of good clean boxers...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    i havent had one in my life yet ... seriously , never woke up to find a load in my boxers and sheets , i wonder if THATS normal .

    ps i dont want to either

  3. #3
    vashti's Avatar
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    Frasbee, didn't you say you are sleeping in tents with a bunch of girls? Could be a connection...
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  4. #4
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    you're probably just horny.

  5. #5
    Junket's Avatar
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    Nah, no longer sleepin in tents.

    That was Key West.

    I'm in New Orleans now, we're all stayin' in the same room.

    Last night was drivin' me nuts though.

    I was definitely horny.

    Manda was wearin' this really short green shorts to bed so depending on how she sat you could see her maroon underwear.

    Amy was sittin' up in her bunk in her bra (we don't have an air conditioner), which was intriguing simply 'cause she's a very modest person, granted she was covered by a blanket but regardless...

    Kenda often straight up changes in the room which is always a joy.

    I try to keep my eyes averted most of the time, but damn man, y'know after awhile it just kinda gets to you.

    But in the case of the wet dreams, those had little to do with bein' horny, I was far too stressed out to be horny.

    Last night.

    I was horny.

    No wet dream though.

  6. #6
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    I think you just need to release some stress, so when you sleep, bam your body just releses some "steam"
    And since you know you cannot see yourself,
    so well as by reflection, I, your glass,
    will modestly discover to yourself,
    that of yourself which you yet know not of.

  7. #7
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Are said girls hot?

  8. #8
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tone
    Are said girls hot?
    You know how it is, once you get to know 'em, they can either become really hot, or really ugly.

    From a person who's lived the past 7 months 24/7 with them, 4 of them are lookin' really hot. The other 2, not so much.


    From the perspective of a stranger, I'd say...2 of them are eye catchers. Both of which are included in the 4 I'd at this point, consider hot.

    Sometimes I feel like a walking penis surrounded by vaginas.

    Dear god it can be torture.

  9. #9
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    LoL poor Fras.

    Why don't you get your mac on then?

  10. #10
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tone
    LoL poor Fras.

    Why don't you get your mac on then?
    'Cause from my observations my relationship with the majority of them has become somewhat familial.

    2 of the 4 constantly refer to me as like a brother.

    Age has put me at a disadvantage with 3 of the 4, as they are at least older than 22.

    The only one I'd have the greatest chance with, basically doesn't want to have a relationship with anybody who isn't as religious as she.

    Only 1 of those 4 is currenlty involved in a relationship.

    So, it's like, whatever.

    Plus "teamcest" the act of dating amongst the team has been a huge deterrent. They want to avoid as much potential drama as possible.

    And there's no way I could simply get in the pants of any of these girls. They're a bit uptight about sex.

    All 'cept one I suppose...but she's not on that list of girls.

    She's kind of a slut really.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    wow, first time i hear a person with so many wet dreams. intead to make them real soon??

    I AM B-A-C-K!!!!!!!! WANNA MAKE OUT?

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